Page 29 - Winter_Spring_2021_Recipe_Book
P. 29
Sticky Honey Chicken & Potato Wedges
T im e :
30 Mins
• 8 chicken thighs
• 2 tbsp of rice flour (could also use alm ond
flour or tapioca starch)
• Salt& pepper
• 2 tbsp vegetable oil
• 1tbsp unsalted plantbased butter
• •
1.Preheat the oven to 200 degrees and put on a large pan ofwaterto boil.
2 . C u t t h e p o t a t o e s in t o c h u n k y w e d g e s , a d d and parboilfor10 minutes.
3.Drain and transferto a baking tray.
4.M ix som e oil,salt and pepper and coat the wedges.Leave in the oven for30 minutes.
4 clovesofgarlic,minced
• 110g honey
• 80m lchicken stock
• 1tbsp rice vinegar
• 1tbsp lightsoy sauce
• Potatoes (approx 70g – 175g per person)
8.To m ake the sauce,com bine the honey, stock,rice vinegarand soy sauce in a bowl and stirtogetherthen add to the pan.
Place the chicken thighs in a bow land the .
flourofyourchoice,with some saltand pepper.Coat the chicken in the m ix.
6.Heatoilin the frying pan overa high heat and add the chicken thighs.Cook on one s id e u n t il g o ld e n b r o w n ( a p p r o x 4 - 5 m in utes),then turn overand repeat.
.Turn the heatdown and add the butterto 7
th e p a n , w a it fo r it to m e lt, th e n a d d th e garlic and stirtogether,try notto letyour garlic burn.
0. Bring the sauce to a boil,then sim m er 1
for approx 5 m inutes untilit thickens,and the chicken is cooked through.