Page 17 - The Angora News - August 2021
P. 17
Revised 3/16/2021-Jack moved, June seconded. Motioncarried.
A member, to be eligible for any office, must havebeen a member of NARBC, Inc. for three (3) years immediately preceding applying for an office. Be anowner/breeder of angora rabbits or have a strong interest in the promotion of the breeds, be over 18years of age and a member in good standing. The Youth Director must be at least 12 years of age and under19 years of age during the term of office. Membership dues shall be paid in advance through the full termof office being sought. ARBA membership is required throughout the term.
Directors will be elected from four (4) Regions/Districtsto facilitate the representation of all NARBC, Inc.
members. In the event there is no candidate for directorfrom within the district, and no one from the district willing to be appointed as director in caseof a vacancy, the President may appoint another club member from outside the district as director pro tempore,subject to vote of approval by 2/3 majority of the Board of Directors.
The four (4) Regions/Districts shall be designatedas follows:
1:Maine,NewHampshire,Vermont,NewYork,Massachusetts,Connecticut,RhodeIsland,Pennsylvania, NewJersey,Delaware,Ohio,Indiana,Illinois,Michigan.Canada:NovaScotia,PrinceEdwardIsland,New Foundland-Labrador, New Brunswick, Quebec, Ontario.International: Europe.
2: Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, Washington,D.C., North& South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Mississippi, Alabama, Kentucky, Tennessee, PuertoRico. International: Caribbean, South America, Africa, Middle East.
3: Alaska, Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming,North & South Dakota, Nebraska, Iowa, Wisconsin, Minnesota. Canada: Alberta, British Columbia,Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Yukon, Northwest Territory, Nunavut.
4: California, Nevada, New Mexico, Arizona, Utah,Colorado, Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas, Kansas, Missouri, Oklahoma, Hawaii. International: Mexico,Central America, Pacific/Asia
Directors for Districts 1 and 3 shall be elected ineven years and Directors 2 and 4, and one (1) Youth Director shall be elected in the odd years.
All officers shall assume office on August 1 and runthrough their term of office on July 31 of their respective year.
The Director will be a member of the Board to makedecisions for the club. No individual officer or
director may make a change to the Constitution andBylaws. Board members may change the Policies and Procedure Manual which establishes the governing andguiding of the ongoing operations of the organization. No change may be implemented in thePolicies and Procedures Manual which in not in accordance with the NARBC Constitution and Bylaws.A simple majority vote of the Board is necessaryto approve any action or decision unless otherwise statedin the Constitution and Bylaws.
Directors shall:
● Maintain a district Facebook page for district businesswith current NARBC members only.
● Represent your district’s wants and needs when voting.
● Participate in all NARBC Board meetings either inperson or via phone conference.
● Contribute an article for each edition of theAngoraNewsper the topic selected by the Board.
● Promote angoras within their district through positiveshowing experiences and
● Encourage state and regional specialty clubs to hostspecialty shows and
a sanctionedwool/skein/garment contest.
● Be an active committee member or a chairperson onspecial projects or committees as assigned
by the President.
● Mentor NARBC members.
● Be responsible for making decisions of NARBC, Inc.with the best interest of the organization in mind.