Page 19 - The Angora News - August 2021
P. 19
8. When ballots are returned they are to be saved fora period of no less than one year from e-mail ballot deadline date. The Secretary is to count the ballots and notify all Board members of the results of the ballot, including the names of theBoard members who returned their e-mail ballot.
9. The Secretary is to add/change any approved results issues that affect or change the Policies and Procedures Manual made with the date of the change indicated within the Policies and Procedures Manual.
10. Amajorityoftheballotsmustbereturnedforthevotingtobevalid.
11. E-mailballotswillbeusedforthe(Board)only.Itcannottobeusedforthepurposeofthegeneralmembership
12. 12.TheExecutiveBoardandtheBoardofDirectorsmayconductbusinessbyusingtelephonicconferencesorBoard
List. The Executive Board and the Board of Directors may vote via telephonic conference call or E-mail ballot.
RECORDS RETENTION Revised 7/30/2020
Corporate Records
Next Board Meeting:
The Board meeting will be held on April 29that 6:00cst.
The English Angora will be celebrating the 50thAnniversaryof the English Angora. Lynn believes we need
to do something special. She has spoken to Amandaat Ugly Rabbit who can do the print on various items. Lynn is willing to pay for the graphic so therewill be no cost to the club. Ugly Rabbit will doall of the printing, mailing, etc. of the items and willsend NARBC a check for the profit. This will be something people can order for some time and not just a limitedtime. We also don’t need to have at least 24 before the order is submitted. Lynn offered to paythe $350 for the graphic and the money would go to the club. Amanda will help market it. All Board membersagreed this would be a good idea. Some Board members also expressed their willingness to assistin paying for the artwork. Lynn asked if anyone was opposed to it. No comment. Lynn will move forwardwith the items.
W/S/G Contest:
We briefly talked about the RHDV2 on the items andwhat to do. Eric Stewart was to find out if thereis a process to ensure the w/s/g items can use a processto kill the virus. We need to make a decision regarding the next convention for a w/s/g contest.
Margaret moved we adjourn and Robin seconded. Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted, Margaret Brown