Page 18 - The Angora News - August 2021
P. 18
Revised 3/16/21-Margaret moved, June seconded. Motioncarried. All Board of Directors members are expected to abideby the following:
1) AbidebytheBylawsandConstitutionoftheorganization;
2) Attend(thisincludesvirtualattendanceviavideoconference),andbefullypreparedfor,all
meetings of the Board, including special meetings,unless excused due to last minute extenuating
3) AllBoardmembersneedtobeinvolvedintheclubinsomecapacitybesidesservingasa
4) Participateinothereventsandinfundraisingeffortsasoftenaspossible;
(6) Read the Policies and Procedures document that reviews roles and responsibilities of a board member as well as Policies of NARBC, Inc.
Removal of an Officer:
Any Board Member may be suspended or removed without pursuant to the Constitution and Bylaws.
A Board Member may resign by delivering his or her written resignation to the Board President OR Secretary. Such resignation shall be effective upon receipt (unless specified to be effective at some other time), and acceptance thereof shall not be necessary to make it effective unless it so states.
Revised January, 2018-no changes
The Youth Director must be at least 12 years of age and under 19 years of age during the term of office. One Youth Director will be elected, on odd years every four years, to serve on the Board of Directors.TheYouth Director position is the only office, in which youth are eligible.
The Youth Director shall:
1. Be the voice of the NARBC Youth. This individual willreflect the youth's opinions and ideas and present these to the board of directors.
2. Promote all positive aspects of raising Angoras toother youth.
3. Keep in contact with the youth and report the informationto the Board of Directors as well as write an article in theAngora News.
4. Answer questions from the youth and give guidancewhen needed. 5. Represent the youth members in all aspects of angoras.
Procedure for the Board of Directors or ExecutiveCommittee to Vote by E-Mail or Telephonic Conference Revised March 16, 2021-Margaret moved, Robin seconded. Motion carried.
1. The ballot must be e-mailed by the Secretary of NARBC,Inc. to the Board email group.
2. A period of time must be given for the Board to discuss issues proposed on the e-mail ballot.
3. Discussion regarding the issues on the e-mail ballot may be conducted on the Board List only.
4. The return of the e-mail ballot must come from the same e-mail address to which the e-mail ballot was sent.
5. The e-mail ballot is to include instructions how to fill out the ballot and how to return the ballot to the Secretary.
6. The e-mail ballot instructions are:
To complete the ballot and return to the Secretary a.Hit the ‘Reply’ key.
b.Mark the ballot.
c.Click ‘Send’ to return the ballot to the Secretary.
7. The Secretary is to maintain all ballots in a folder named ‘Ballot Box’ in his/her e-mail program until either all ballots are received or the e-mail ballot deadline is expired.