Page 32 - The Angora News - August 2021
P. 32
The following paragraph must be printed in show catalogs:
Official Sweepstakes, National Angora Rabbit Breeders Club, Inc.
The NARBC, INC. awards sweepstakes awards once a year. Winners must be a member of the NARBC, INC. or join before the end of the show to: Secretary Name, address, city/state/zip. Dues: Single-$10.00, Youth-$5.00, One Rabbitry/2 persons-$15.00, Family-$20.00.
Sanction request should be sent to: Sanctions Chairperson, Address, City/State, Zip
Show Secretaries are to send completed show reports to the Sweepstakes Chairperson: (Sweepstakes Chairperon’s address, city, state zip) within 30 days after the show. Applications for membership may be included with the show report.
1.English, French, Giant, and Satin angoras are four separate breeds and must be judged separately from each other. 2.Clubs wishing to hold an angora sweepstakes show must write to the Sanction Chairperson of the NARBC, INC.,
listed above, 45 days prior to the show. Request to be accompanied by $15.00 for all four breeds-Open and Youth; youth is free for four breeds. Youth only $5.00 for all four breeds. Fair shows only $5.00 one breed, $15.00 all four breeds. List your shows ARBA sanction number.
3.The Official Sweepstakes paragraph, listed at the top of the page, must be printed in the show catalog. 4.No club can sponsor an Angora Sweepstakes show unless their show is first sanctioned by the ARBA.
5.The club sponsoring the show must award at least an award for B.O.B. and B.O.S, for each breed if ten or more
animals are shown in the breed.
6.To qualify for sweepstakes points and club specials, the exhibitor must be a member of the NARBC, INC. at the time
of the show or must join before the end of the show. Applications for membership may be sent in with the show
report to the Sweepstakes Chairperson.
7.The Sanction Chairperson of the NARBC, INC. will furnish a set of rules and printed forms for listing the show results
to the Show Secretary. This form must be completed and returned to the Sweepstakes Chairperson within 30 days after the show. Future sanctions will not be issued until the report from the previous show is received by the Sweepstake Chairperson
8.National Sweepstakes will run from August 1 through July 31, with the awards given at or before the ARBA Convention for the top 10 in each breed and the top 3 in wool classes of each breed.
9.Interpretation of the Show Rules by the Executive Committee or the NARBC, INC. will be binding for all shows. 10.Sweepstakes points are to valued as follows: 6 times number in class for 1st, 4 times number in class for 2nd, 3
times number in class for 3rd, 2 times number in class for 4th, 1 times number in class for 5th. B.O.B. receives an additional one-point bonus times the number entered in the breed. B.O.S. receives an additional half point bonus times the number entered in the breed. An additional 100 points will be awarded for any angora being awarded Best In Show at an Open show (not including specialty show). Double points will be awarded for all classes, bonuses, and Best In Show at National Angora Specialty Shows including the ARBA Convention.
11.Points on breed wool classes will be valued as class points and will be judged as white and colored. Double points will be awarded for ARBA National Conventions and the National Angora Specialty Shows. Listing the top 3 winners for each class. Best overall wool must be chosen at the ARBA Convention or National Angora Specialty Show where there is a special for Best Overall Wool in each breed.
12.Points will be computed on actual number of rabbits judged.