Page 33 - The Angora News - August 2021
P. 33

 13.The NARBC, INC. will, at the ARBA Convention each year, present an award for Best Display in English, French, Giant, and Satin, based on points won at the show. Free sanctions for National Angora Specialty Show. Limit one per year.
14.Free sanction for next show, where no angoras are shown. If report is received within 30 days after the show.
1.NARBC, INC. open show rules apply with the following exceptions, additions, or deletions.
2.Youth sweepstakes show is free if sanctioned ARBA (Youth) and held in conjunction with an Open show. When a
Youth show is not held in conjunction with an Open show, the fee will be $5.00. The ARBA Youth Sanction number must be sent to the NARBC, INC. Sanction Chairperson. Youth points will count fully toward NARBC, INC. Youth Sweepstakes series.
3.Club sponsoring show must offer at least $5.00 for B.O.B and $4.00 for B.O.S. or an award of equal value, if ten or more animals are shown in the breed.
4.It is against ARBA rules to enter the same rabbit in both youth and open classes at the same show. Youth may make entries in both Youth and Open classes with different animals. Adults cannot show in Youth classes at any time.
5.At all ARBA youth sanctioned shows, exhibitors can exhibit in the youth show through 18 years of age.
6.Youth must be able to handle their own animal and must place it on the judging table. This must be stated in the
show catalog.
7.Youth sweepstakes points will only be accumulated at Youth sanctioned shows. Youth points accumulated in the
Open sweepstakes will be counted in the Youth Sweepstakes.
8.National sweepstakes will run from August 1 through July 31 with the awards given by or at the ARBA Convention and
National Angora Specialty Show for the top 10 in each breed and the top 3 in wool classes of each breed.
9.Youth sweepstakes: the top 10 places in each breed and top 3 places in wool of each breed will be published in the
Angora Newsletter.
The Sweepstakes Committee shall:
A. Work in coordination with the Sanctions Committee and NARBC Secretary.
B. Maintain a record of all show reports received from sanctioned shows.
C. Tabulate an accurate accounting of Sweepstakes points.
D. Notify Show Secretaries having delinquent show reports at thirty (30) days and forty-five (45) days
past their show date.
E. Submit a report of at least the top ten sweepstakes point earners in each breed, open and youth, with
names and number of sweepstakes points included, to the Editor for publication in each issue of the
F. Forward to the Editor a year-end report of the complete Sweepstakes standings for publication.
G. Forward a list of delinquent show reports to the Sanctions Chairperson monthly.
H. Forward an updated list of delinquent show reports to the Editor for publication in each issue of the newsletter. I. Forward any monies received to the Treasurer.
J. Make arrangements to provide Sweepstakes awards to the membership.

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