Page 35 - The Angora News - August 2021
P. 35
Youth who want open points counted in the youth sweepstakes.
Youth who have earned points in an open show will be calculated in the youth sweepstakes. Youth may not show the same rabbits in an open and youth show at any given show and have the open points count as youth sweepstakes points.
What to do if you do not receive a show report.
The sweepstakes person should always send a postcard to the club that has NOT returned their show report. Example: Send a postcard to clubs on March 1 that did not send in their show report from their January show. This has given the club ample time to get in their show report. A club is to return the show report to the sweepstakes person 30 days after the show even if NO angoras were shown. This includes Youth Show Reports, which some clubs fail to return.
This is an example of what you may want to put on your postcard: Today’s Date ________ NARBC Sanction Number ___________ Dear Show Secretary:
Our records indicate an angora show report was not returned to
NARBC Sweepstakes Chairman, (Name, address, city, state and zip for the show held on ________________.
Even if angoras were not shown the show report is to be returned. Failure to return the show report could jeopardize future angora sanctions. Please check into this matter and notify the Sweepstakes Chairperson as so as possible regarding the show report.
Thank you.