Page 14 - UWP 2024 Conference: GATHERING UNITED
P. 14

Wednesday, May 15
7:00am: Breakfast Buffet Open Slopeside Restaurant
	 Breakfast includes local breads and muffins, fresh fruit, yogurt parfaits, scrambled eggs, breakfast
meats, breakfast potatoes, coffee, hot tea, and juice.
8:30am: Registration Opens
9:30am: Keynote Address Seasons Room
Welcome Message: Kristen Rotz: President of United Way of Pennsylvania
Carl Nassib- Strength and Role of Younger Donorship in the Future of UW.
	 The nonprofit industry fills the gaps to where other agencies often fall short. Few organizations
know the needs of their community better than our local United Ways and so they are positioned
to be able to name, address, and impact communities in an effective manner. Join Carl Nassib, as
he calls out what he believes to be the strengths of UW and its role in engaging younger donors to
effectively further the Mission and Vision of United Way.
11:00am: Breakout Sessions
1. Carl Nassib- Rayze App Seasons Room
	 Younger generations want to help out, and they want to give back—they just need a way to do it.
Carl saw this as a technological gap, and a huge opportunity. After all, these generations barely
carry cash and rarely write checks. Which is exactly why Rayze also allows users to donate to
organizations right there on the app, seamlessly integrating this act of kindness into everyday lives.
Join Carl as he discusses this exciting new opportunity and the impact that it can have on donorship
and fundraising.
	 2. Amy Hagar- Marketing Survival Guide Hemlock Room
	 In the Marketing Survival Guide, we will look at communicating through a new lens so your
marketing efforts are thriving, not just surviving. This very active and hands-on session is going to
teach and encourage you to look at things a little differently so you are connecting and engaging
with your community and driving donors to your door. We will be taking a pause to better understand
the psychology of how people are engaging with content and trying something a little different
based on YOUR strengths. We will also cover the six pieces of messaging you need in your
marketing strategy to effectively communicate your organization’s mission to your community.
 3. Beck Moore- Cultivating Workplace Culture: Harnessing Diversity, Equity, and
Inclusion for Success Snowflake Room
	 Psychological safety is the workforce’s #1 most desired trait and an indicator of a high-performing
team. Join us for an enlightening session that explores the critical intersection of workplace
culture and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI). Attendees will explore an indisputable, human
based approach to DEI and how to begin implementing a safer and productive workplace culture
in simplistic ways. Finally, we will emphasize how DEI is not an isolated initiative but an all-
encompassing approach that should be integrated into all aspects of an organization and how it
can influence recruitment and retention, leadership development, decision-making processes, and
overall organizational success.

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