Page 16 - UWP 2024 Conference: GATHERING UNITED
P. 16

Thursday, May 16
7:00am: Breakfast Buffet Open Slopeside Restaurant
	 Breakfast includes local breads and muffins, fresh fruit, yogurt parfaits, scrambled eggs, breakfast
meats, breakfast potatoes, coffee, hot tea, and juice.
8:00am: Registration Opens
9:30am: Opening Keynote: Seasons Room
Mr. Jeff Coleman- Front Porches, No Fences: Rebuilding Pennsylvania’s Fractured Community
	 We live in a time where polarizations of views, both political and social, continue to have negative
effects on the way that nonprofits positively impact people’s lives. Trusted community-based
organizations like UW have a privileged position to be able to bridge the gap between civility and
community divisions to deliver meaningful change. Jeff has over 15 years of experience delivering
high level and targeted messaging to audiences with an approach that continually returns to a
commitment of telling each story with grace and authenticity. Jeff is the founder and principal of
Churchill Strategies in Harrisburg.
10:45am: Breakout Sessions
1. Amy Hagar- Benefits of Transformation Hemlock Room
	 Why do people in your community donate to your organization? People are being more cautious with
their spending and therefore need more reasons to donate to your organization besides “networking”
or “because it is the right thing to do”. They want results for their investment, but we frequently sell
them benefits. Bring a pen and paper or your computer and an upcoming event or current offering
that you want to create a transformation statement for. The way we will break this down can be
taken back and used in your future product and event development or to revamp current offerings
and events that need messaging help.
 2. Emily Aubele & Phil Falvo- PA 211 & ALICE: Measuring Barriers to Financial
Stability and Finding Solutions Seasons Room
	 Join us to learn more about the combined power of ALICE and 211. Take a deep dive into the
ALICE and 211 data and learn more about how you can overlay this information to demonstrate
your community needs and help to tell your story. The UWP and PA 211 teams will lead the way
in showing how we use ALICE and 211 data to strengthen relationships in Public Policy, Resource
Development, and Community Engagement.
 3. Sara Noel and Sally Ellwein, UWSWPA – Innovations in Impact:
Community Change Collaboratives Snowflake Room
	 Building upon our Investment Priority Framework which focuses on Meeting Basic Needs, Moving
People to Financial Security, and Building for Success in School and Life for all children, United
Way of Southwestern Pennsylvania identified several multi-faceted community needs that no
one organization can tackle alone. Join us to learn how we are using our convening power to
bring people together from multiple organizations to generate innovative solutions to challenging
problems that affect a wide cross-section of our communities. We will discuss the development
of our Community Change Collaboratives, provide ideas about how this concept can be scaled
Conference Schedule | Thursday, May 16 | continued

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