Page 16 - USGBC Louisiana 2017 Green Report Online
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Green Schools

Greening our schools and raising the next                     Honorees are Belle Chasse Academy in Belle Chasse,
generation to be sustainability natives is a                  Mayfair Lab School in Baton Rouge, and Louisiana State
priority for USGBC Louisiana.                                 University. The Green Ribbon Program is administered by
                                                              the Department of Wildlife and Fisheries in Louisiana.
Over the past decade, a robust Green Schools movement
has developed across the country. The U.S. Department of                                                Established in 2013, the
Education, along with a network of nonprofits, including the                                            Louisiana Green Schools
USGBC Center for Green Schools inspire schools to strive                                                Challenge, empowers
for excellence in whole school sustainability through a                                                 students and teacher to
variety of programs and initiatives.                                                                    make green
                                                                                                        improvements in their
In 2011, the U.S. Department of Education inspired                                                      learning environments by
schools to strive for excellence in sustainability when they                                            engage in in hands on
created the Green Ribbon Award program, which defined                                                   green projects. Over 100
the three main components of a green school. Green                                                      schools have
schools: Reduce environmental impacts and costs;                                                        participated in the Green
improve occupants’ heath and performance, and increase        Schools Challenge, making significant impact that
environment and sustainability literacy. All three of these   includes energy costs reduction, landfill waste
areas are called Pillars, and serve as the basis for          reduction, composting, organic gardening and healthy
recognition. Both K-12 and post-secondary schools are         food production, and reduced carbon emissions.
                                                              Four of Louisiana’s five -12 schools recognized by the
Louisiana enrolled in the DOE’s Green Ribbon School           Department of Education’s Green Ribbon program are
Award Program in 2015. The first Green Ribbon Award           Green Schools Challenge participants.
Schools in Louisiana were named in the spring of 2015.
They are Benjamin Franklin High School in New Orleans,        In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina in 2005, the Recovery
Westdale Heights Academic Magnet School and Baton             School District in New Orleans committed to rebuilding of
Rouge Magnet High School in Baton Rouge, and the              its K-12 schools to LEED Silver Standards. There are 11
University of Louisiana Lafayette. The 2017 Louisiana         LEED for Schools Certified facilities and 49 Schools
                                                              registered to become LEED for Schools Certified.
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