Page 18 - USGBC Louisiana 2017 Green Report Online
P. 18

Waste & Recycling                                           Transportation

According to the Environmental Protection Agency each       Biking
person (US average) generates nearly 4.5 pound of solid
waste per day amounting to 3.8 million tons in Louisiana    Baton Rouge has 27.6 miles of bike lanes and 32 miles of
per year.                                                   shared lanes built to accommodate cars and bikes . New
                                                            Orleans has over 100 miles of bike lanes, which boasts a
National recycling and composting prevented 87.2 million    significant increase from its previous five miles of bike
tons of material away from being disposed in 2013, up from  lanes before Hurricane Katrina in 2005 . According to the
15 million tons in 1980. This prevented the release of      American Community Survey, New Orleans has the tenth
approximately 186 million metric tons of carbon dioxide     highest percentage in the country of people who cycle to
equivalent into the air in 2013—equivalent to taking over   work each day .
39 million cars off the road for a year.

Act 185 of 1989 mandates a goal for Louisiana cities of
25% reduction in land filled solid waste through recycling
and the implementation of waste reduction programs.
But the disruption of recycling services due to recent
climate events, and the lack of adequate funding for
oversight, leaves compliance voluntary.

Lafayette’s Project Front Yard is an initiative which       Most benefits of bicycling are obvious. It reduces traffic
brings together individuals, business, government           congestion, helps the environment by not burning fossil
and media partners to address community                     fuels and improves the health of bikers. In a less obvious
beautification through education.                           way, a thriving cycling community promotes different types

Taking the lead from more than forty action items in
Lafayette’s Comprehensive Plan, Project Front
Yard’s mission is to build awareness and stimulate
improvement of the face of our local
community. Initiatives under Project Front Yard
include revitalization of gateways, improved
streetscapes, litter removal and prevention, public
art, river cleanup, and education.
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