Page 11 - PowerPoint 演示文稿
P. 11

T          TITLE PARTNER                                                            Recommend to educational institutions or KOL with

                                                                                               exposure to Chinese language programs

                            Advantages                                                Partner                                                Us

                                                                        •    Prepare start-up fund for the                   •   Charge franchise service fees
                                 Low input

                                                                             program(franchise deposit, service fee,   WE    •   Provide class sessions at the cost
                                  Low risk                                   hardware equipment, employees)                      prices
                                                                                                               3 years of
                                                                        •    Bear the cost for partly services               •   Provide advertise design or gifts
                           Standard operation                           •    Obtain sponsorship fee (material   regional
                                                                                                                franchise        for promotion
                         Low-cost management                                 support) -about 2% of monthly      contract     •   Official announcement
                             Good cash flow                             •    Independent marketing strategies

                           High profit margin


                                                                       The HQ opens a wide range of resources to the partner and even develop products according to local market conditions; and
                                                                       continues to provide the most powerful support in recruitment, sales training, operation management, marketing, IT system, etc.
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