Page 3 - CBS Newspaper - March '17 edition
P. 3


                تيوكلا   تﻓرش   تﻻوطبلا   هذه   KUWAIT’S                        or sold fish and pearls.
                نم   ديزملا   لذب   ىلا   بابشلا   تزفحو  CULTURE               Fishermen could work
               نطولا   ليبس   ﻲﻓ   دهجلا.                                       for up to 7-8 months to
                                                By Fatima al-Houli              catch the appropriate
                عمجي   هنﻻ     ًامهم   بختنملا   اذه   دعيو  Grade 12           amount of fish to sell
                تيوكلا   ﺔيار   تحت   ﻲتيوكلا   بعشلا                           and make a profit at the
                عجشيو   اكسامتم   بعشلا   نوكي   ثيح  Kuwait has a rich history   market.
                                                when it comes to its
                ضعب   تﻠعج   اهنا   امك   ،هبختنم
                ةركلا   نودهاشي    ﻻ    نيذلا   نيتيوكلا  cultures and traditions.
                                                Most of Kuwait’s culture
                انﻠعج  . مهبختنم   لجا   نم   نيسمحتم
                سأرلا   نيعوﻓرم   تيوكلا   بختنم  and traditions are based
                                                on Islamic values.
                زوفلا   ىوس   هنم   ىرن    مل    امئاد
                هنم   انمﻠعت   اضيا   ،فرشب   ةراسخلاو  Kuwaiti culture has
                                                evolved a lot in recent
                شغلاب   زوفلا   نا   ،اهنم   هريثك   رومأ
                فرشب   هراسخلا   ناو   ازوﻓ   ربتعتﻻ  times as a result of
                اذه   ززعي  . هتراسخ   ربتعتﻻ   influences from expats.
                                                The old Kuwaiti culture         As for women, they too
                نع   عاﻓدلا   روعش   انيﻓ   بختنملا                             have traditional garb.
                نيبعﻼلا   عيمج   ىرن   ثيح   نطولا  and traditions consisted
                                                of men                          Most traditional clothes
               ن    وفقي   تيوكلاب   ﺔفﻠتخملا   هقرﻓﻻا   نم                     that women wore
                زربا   نم  . تيوكلا   لجا   نم     ًايوس  wearing dishdashas
                                                which are long white            consisted
                لصيﻓو   بوقعي   مساج   ﻲماسﻷا   هذه                             of abayas, which is a
                نييضايرلا   لضﻓأ   نم   مهﻓ   ليخدلا  cloth with pockets in it.
                                                All men wear                    black cloth that covers
                ناذه    مث    ﷲ   لضفب   تيوكلا   ﻲﻓ
                                                dishdashas when they            the body and the head.
                نم   ريثك   بختنملا   ىدعت   نامجنلا                            Many Kuwaiti women
                تيوكلا   تزاﻓ   مهﻠضفبو   نحملا  go out. Men also
                                                wear mkasasr which is a         wear abayas when they
                ناذه  . تﻻوطبلا   نم   ديدعلاب                                  go out. Women also
                عﻓاد   احبصأ   امهلازتعا   دعب   لاطبﻷا  white blouse and white
                                                pants. Men wear this            wear dara’as which is a
                ةايحلا   ﻲﻓ   مهل   هودقو   مداقلا   بابشﻠل                     long cloth made out of
                دحا   عوطملا   ردب   دعي  . ﺔيضايرلا  mainly at home. Men
                                                even have special               many colors. Most
                بختنملا   خيرات   ﻲﻓ   نيبعﻼلا   زربا                           women
                بعﻻا   اذه   لصح   دقﻓ   ،ﻲتيوكلا  clothes for when they go
                                                fishing! While fishing,         wear daraa’s at home or
                ﻲﻓ   بعﻻ   لضﻓأ   ﻲناث   ةزئاح   ىﻠع
                                                men wear wzar which is          underneath
                ﺔبسنلاب   هنيمي   ةزئاجلا   هذهﻓ   ،ايسآ                        their abaya’s. Women’s
                تيوكلا   نا   تبثا   ﻲهﻓ   نييتيوكﻠل  something like a long
                                                skirt which they wear it        traditional clothing is
                ديدعلا   ﻲﻓ   ملاعلا   تاراجم   عيطتست                          also the bukhnag which
                   انل    تبثا    دق    بعﻻا   اذهو   ءايشﻷا   نم  over their waist and it
                                                tends to be blue. Most          is a black cloth that is
               ةزئاجﻠل   هلوصح   قيرط   نع.                                     worn up the daraa’s at
                                                Kuwaitis in the old times
                                                made a living working as        weddings.

                                                fishermen. As part of
                                                this, they either caught
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