Page 7 - CBS Newspaper - March '17 edition
P. 7


               Poems about                       Kind to everyone                 Kuwait is my love
               Kuwait                            Useful country                   Under the clouds
               By Grade 7s
                                                 Wonderful place to live        Wanting our delicious
               Kuwait is a friendly             Amazing people from
                 country                         other countries                At the beach on
                                                 Interesting places to see
               Kuwait is like a happy                                             International Day
                 meal                            Thankful to be born here         The temperature is hot
                                                By: Ahmed Khaled
               Kuwait is rich in oil and
                 money                           (Grade 7)                        By: Khaled Talal
                                                                                  (Grade 7)
               The people in Kuwait
                 are honey                       Kuwait is my country

               I cannot live without            Us people must love
                 Kuwait                          Kuwait
                                                                                  Kuwait is a garden
               By: Fahaid Fahad                  We are one big family
                 (Grade 7)                                                        It's so beautiful
                                                 A really great place
                                                                                  Kuwait is like a mall
                                                In Kuwait, we are all
                 Kindness                        nice people                      It's crowded

                 Under the best Sheikh          The Kuwait National               Kuwait is an ant's house
                                                Celebration is for
                 Wonderful country                                              It is small on the
                                                 LIBERATION!                    outside, but big on the
                                                By: Jaber Ahmad                   inside
                 Interesting                     (Grade 7)
                                                                                  Kuwait is like an airport
                 Tasty food
                                                                                It is crowded with people
               By: Khalid Mohamed                Kuwait is like a flower          from different nations
                 Faraj (Grade 7)
                                                 Kuwait is sunshine               Kuwait is Disneyland

                                                 Kuwait is my heart               It's so fun and exciting

                                                 Kuwait is my soul              By: Mohammed Ahmed
                                                                                (Grade 7)
                                                KUWAIT IS
                                                 IMPORTANT TO ME
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