Page 5 - Newsletter 2021ab Merinos 1-2-combined
P. 5

The Caroonboon Sheep                                 never hit 21 micron. My weaners are around 17 micron and the
                                                             rest is 19 or 20. Most of the comfort factor is 99%, the odd line
                                                             going down to 98%. Mind you, the stain did drop to 97.2% last
      have what I am looking for                             year. I could not imagine that it would be very comfortable
                              Ian (China) & Kathy Gibson ‘Billamein’ Moulamein NSW   wearing stain in any condition. So, this may not be quite so bad.

                                                             We average over 100% of lambs to joined ewes most years. We
                                                             also lamb down on irrigation with bugger all shelter as we are
        We have been with Caroonboon for well over 30 years. I can   on the edge of the Hay plains, so our Caroonboon ewes punch
        still remember an old shearing contactor, (Eric White), saying to   above their weight every year. Because we are building our
        me when I was a young feller, “you will need a bigger wool table   numbers to old age as well as more to the merino death wish.
        if you are going out there for rams”. That comment has always   That is what they want to do from the time they drop on the
        stuck in my mind and if I did not have the Old Man’s home-made   ground. Find a new way to die. That is another story…..
        wool table,  I might have indeed needed a new one (the old tim-
        ers always built things bigger than they needed them).   Because of the changed water conditions, we joined over 1
                                                             month earlier this year as we had the guarantee of green feed
        My sheep were not that flash when I first met Ian Lilburne who   from our irrigation water. This way, we can get our wether’s off
        used to class for clients of Caroonboon (the ‘old man’ was a   the farm and the ewe lambs to a good size before the green
        cattle man and a bloody good one, but his sheep were a dis-  feed runs out. I did make one bad decision this year, and that
        grace to put it politely). By the time I met Ian Lilburne, I had   was to only join for 6 weeks. Going early and only joining for 6
        bought a mob or two in and bought the ‘old man’ out of his farm   weeks ended up with 17% empty ewes. A lot of the mating hap-
        as well as his mixed mob of sheep. I said to Ian “Can you fix   pened right at the end of joining this year according to my preg
        them”? he said “If you can feed them, I can fix them”. The best   tester, so another week or two of joining would have made a lot
        advice that anyone can give or get; ‘there is no money in skinny   of difference to the conception rate which was 94% last year.
        sheep, just pain’. A wise old man called Blacky Gray told me
        once “the breeding is in the feeding”.               Our maidens always join and lamb down well. We got 102% out
                                                             of remaining maiden ewes or 93% out of joined maidens. The 4-,
        Over the years, Ian and then Jim have taken my sheep to a dif-  5- and 6-year-olds averaged 117% out of remaining ewes. Un-
        ferent level. They are straight, easy care and give us plenty of   fortunately, our 3-year-olds only managed 88% out of remain-
        lambs. I still cannot get myself to do the non-mules idea, but if   ing ewes. They were always just a bit short of feed. But not
        you are heading down that path the straight Caroonboon rams   short enough to make that much difference I thought. So far, we
        could be the go.
                                                             have an average of 106% out of remaining ewes and 90% out of
        My shearers quite often complain that my sheep are getting too  joined ewes. We only need 300 lambs out of the 500 empties to
        big, as most sheep are, and most shearers do. Unfortunately for  give us our 100% of joined ewes. The empties have only been
        our shearers our sheep are getting bigger but the shearers are  lambing for 9 days and there are plenty dropping onto the
        not. The Old Man built my shed in 1957; I have had to cut a lump   ground so we should end up with well over 100% again this year.
        of 4 by 2 timber off my letting out down shoots so my shearers     We have a good relationship with Caroonboon and when one of
        can get my sheep out of the shed and down the shoot.    my rams died just after coming home from the auction two

        When you can get a shearer to give you a compliment, you take   years ago. Margie was only too keen to replace it and even de-
        it because it will never happen very often. This shearer was   livered the ram to our farm. When Jim was selling the stud, I did
        new back to the game after many years of trying other things.   look around as I did not know where the Caroonboon Stud was
        He did say…..and this is only one shearer who may get drummed  heading. When it went back to its original home, I was keen to
        out of the shearing game because he said, and I quote. “These   stick with it. I still look around, but Caroonboon sheep have
        are the best shearing sheep I have had this year China”! The   what I am looking for; easy care, good fertility, good combing for
        look his mate gave him was worth a million dollars as shearers  my shearers who are getting harder to find, and cutting enough
        can never say that to a farmer!.                     wool to keep us coming back. At the moment I cannot see any
                                                             reason to move studs. So, I will be at Caroonboon for a few
        My micron has been going down over the years and now we
                                                             more years yet!
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