Page 7 - Newsletter 2021ab Merinos 1-2-combined
P. 7

More rain needed at

                 John Porter ‘Miegunyah’ Boorooban NSW 2710

         Miegunyah is Located 60kms south west of Hay in the South
         Western Riverina of New South Wales. We (the Porters) have
         been Caroonboon Clients for 6 years.
         On the back of a great season in 2020, the start of 2021 to a
         while to get going and by June, we had only received 40 mm of
         Rainfall. June and July however, have been kind to us, receiv-
         ing 56 and 34mm respectively. This rain has saved our season
         to an extent, but will need more late winter, early spring rain to
         get a bulk of feed, coming into the summer months.

         From the terrific season of 2020 all breeding ewes came into
         2021 in very good condition. From this, we achieved a very
         pleasing scanning result. From the Merino joining we achieved
         a lambing potential of 150%. Total % in Lamb was 89% and 61%
           of all ewes joined were twins.

         Currently we have just finished Lambmarking, and we were
         pleased with the result considering the late season break.
         Overall from ewes Joined we received a marking % of 102% and    David Porter looking very pleased with his 2020 Merino Sale purchases
         are happy with the way the ewes look. Although quite light, the
         ewes showed a lot of energy from the short pick and supple-  With the current high lamb and mutton prices, and wool on
         mentary feeding and the lambs looked strong, fresh and sappy.    the rise, we are fairly optimistic about the coming spring,
                                                                but more rain is needed.

                                                                 Results of the 2nd Annual on

                                                                 Property Sale  Tues 8th September 2020

                                                                 Rams Offered. 76
                                                                 Rams Sold.  76
                                                                 Registered Buyers. 16
                                                                 Top Price: $3,800  was the top price  paid for 2 rams
                                                                 Lot 8: Caroonboon 691, purchased by Innesvale Pastoral,
                                                                 Oaklands NSW. Caroonboon 691 had a Mic of 20.2, SD 2.9,
                                                                 CV14.4 and a CF of 99.9.
                                                                 Lot 4: Caroonboon 252 purchased by North Bundy Pasto-
                                                                 ral had a Mic of 20.2, SD2.3, CV11.4 and CF of 100.
                                                                 Average: $1,715.13
                                                                 Volume Buyers.
                                                                 IC & KL Gibson, Moulamein  NSW
                                                                 K Mayman, Mittagong NSW
                                                                 JJ & MJ Ryan Yerong Creek NSW
                                                                 DJ & JL Porter Booroorban NSW
                                                                 MS & CE Bull, Conargo NSW
                                                                 Burgess Farms, Hillston NSW
                                                                 Eastgate Pastoral, Conargo NSW

                                                                 A further number of rams were sold post sale
                                                                 The sale was again conducted by Nutrien and Elders.

                                                                 Sale catalogues will be uploaded shortly to the
                                                                 Events page @  for viewing or
                                                                 contact us for a copy to be emailed or posted to

                                                                 A big thankyou to our merino clients that
                                                                 graciously accepted my offer to tell us about
                                                                 their livestock operation. Thankyou!
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