Page 106 - cibei111_Neat
P. 106
烹饪 Cooking
首先我们要训练我们的身和口远离 At first, we train the body and speech
秽恶,这就是功德。有些人认为要有功德必 to be free of unwholesomeness. This is
须整天整夜地背诵巴利文的经句,但事实 virtue. Some people think that to have
上,只要使你的身、口清争无瑕疵,就是功 virtue you must memorize Pali phrases
德了。这并不难解,就像在烹调食物,我们 and chant all day and night, but really all
放一点点这个,放一点点那个,直到恰到好 you have to do is make your body and
处、美味可口为止。一旦调配出美味的食物 speech blameless, and that’s virtue. It’
时,就不需再添加任何的东西,因为正确的 not so difficult to understand. It’s just
佐料都已经加了。同样的道理,确定我们的 like cooking food - put in a little bit of
身行和言语没有缺失,这样就可以带给我 this and a little bit of that until it’s just
们“美味”和恰到好处的功德。现在,我们已 right and it’s delicious. And once it’
经有了正见。 delicious, you don’t have to put anything
else into it. The right ingredients have
already been added. In the same way,
taking care that our actions and speech
are proper will give us delicious virtue,
virtue that is just right.