Page 17 - Jewish Domination Of Weimar Germany 1919-1932
P. 17
agitator Ruegg was arrested in China, a protest was at once
the enormous economic pressure that the Jews had at their
made by a Jewish committee, including, among others, Frau
disposal for dealing with such opponents, and this too was
Dr. Hodann-Neumann, Dr. Kathe Marcus, Dr. Hilde Frankel,
applied ruthlessly until their opponents were annihilated.
Frau Dr. Kalcher, Frau Dr. Frischaul, Frau Justizrat Schlo-
Even newspapers that were independent of Jewry were
mann, Frau Dr. Adler, Frau Dr. Rem Beguhn, and Frau Pro-
exposed to this pressure which was applied through the
fessor Goldschmidt; it was the same names almost every advertisements pages. The local Jewish organizations were
time. For it was an almost uniform Jewish group, imbued
only too ready to start an advertisement boycott, whenever
with the disintegrating opinions of a radical libertinism. anything in the text of the paper displeased them. Thanks
Almost the same lines are followed in the activities of a set
to the power of money, they succeeded, under the cover of
who gathered round the Berlin weekly "Die Weltbiihne",
economic "transactions", in bringing even important papers
founded by Siegfried Jacobsohn. This set were distinguished
under Jewish control.
by the fact that they did not restrict themselves to disparag-
Rabbi Fischl wrote in the "Leipziger Israelitisches
ing and heaping scorn upon the
all traditional values in Familienblatt" (No. 3 of 1926): "Our fight is that for the
sexual morals, but extended their biting criticism to all absolute power of which we were deprived two thousand
existing conceptions and ties in public life. No authority in
years ago". But the chairman of the "Association of National
the national life or in that of the State was sacred to these
German Jews", Max Naumann, wrote in No. 1/2 for 1926 of
his paper: "Anyone who is condemned to read every day a
This was principally the
number of Jewish papers and
meeting-place of Jewish jour-
periodicals, written by Jews
nalists, some belonging to the
for Jews, must on occasion
Mosse and Ullstein newspaper
feel an increased distaste,
concerns and some to the What was the composition of the Anwalts-
amounting to physical nausea,
Communist press. They in- kammer, the supreme representative body for this incredible amount of
cluded Kurt Tucholsky (who
of the lawyers in Berlin? self-complacency, of slimy
wrote under no fewer than four
stuff about 'honour', and
pseudonyms, namely Peter
Of 33 members, 22, or 66 %, were of Jewish exaggeration of the duty to
Panter, Theobald Tiger, Ignaz 'combat anti-Semitism' which
Wrobe! and Kasper Hauser),
is understood in these circles
Bernhard Citron, Alfons Gold-
in the sense that, at the
schmidt, Alfred Polgar, Fritz
How many members slightest reference, the sword
Sternberg, Hans Siemsen, should be drawn if any Jew
of the General Directorate were Jews?
Rudolf Leonhardt, Ernst Toller, whatever is meant". Unfort-
and Leonhard Frank. To unately association
Of the 4 members, all four, or 100 %r were this did
characterize this group, it not succeed in acquiring any
will suffice to quote the one of Jewish origin
phrase written by Tucholsky
It has not occurred at all
(Wrobel) on the 4th August,
to the majority of the Jews to
1931: "Soldiers are murderers".
adapt themselves to the forms
We would ask all those whose mother tongue is English of life of their German hosts, as has been the case in other
to imagine a writer in their country writing point-blank and countries. Thus, it was an inevitable historical necessity that
in full publicity: ..Soldiers are murderers". What would they
the time should come when the tortured German people
do? Would they remain
silent in face of such a terrible should themselves take in hand the cleansing of their own
calumniation of those who gave their bodies and their lives
house. The internal Jewish press, that was often very frank
in defence of their native land? Or what would they do
if in indicating the final aims of the Jewish endeavours to
an immigrant Jewish writer described the men who secure power, was nothing compared to the gigantic
volunteered for service in 1914 as "the victims of the general
political, economic and cultural press, by means of which
intoxication", or said that "they gave their lives for muck"?
Jewry wished to. dominate the spirit of the German people.
Or if this writer was to be bold enough to make fun of their This press, managed by disguised and undisguised Jews,
National Anthem as a "really bad piece of poetry" or a controlled by groups of Jewish capitalists and Jewish banks,
"boastful poem"? But that is what Tucholsky did in his and largely belonging to large concerns, was the main source
works "Deutschland, Deutschland iiber alles" and "Mit 5 PS". It intentionally drove
of the distress of the German people.
the people from the source of their own essential being,
We are convinced that they would execute quick justice.
unmindful of the state of tension thereby caused, and which
Jewry in the Press was bound to attain explosive force under prolonged high
German Jewry had established its main headquarters in Of all the newspapers published in German, those be-
the press. This instrument for the domination of public longing to the Ullstein press stood at the head of the list, as
opinion had passed almost entirely into their hands, and they
regards numbers and size. In 1932 the "Berliner Morgenpost"
utilized it to the full.. A publisher would have had to have a had a circulation of over 1,000,000. Among the Jews on the
fair share of intrepidity if he published anything that might
editorial staff were Robolsky (chief editor), Mendel, Bern-
have caused a Jewish frown. In addition to this, there was stein, Breisacher, Deutsch, Falk, Glflck, Loeb and Mandel.