Page 13 - Jewish Domination Of Weimar Germany 1919-1932
P. 13
The Influence of Jewry on Mind and Morals
Germany's modern
It is fate in times to have German body corporate to gradually absorb the foreign
to bear the brunt of the continous immigration of Jews components, in spite of the increasing quantitative admix-
corning from the ture of foreigners.
east. The fact is f This would have
i5etlin $ ftttdltcttia! fcocaiion*
that the Jewish been successfully
immigrants on the accomplished, in all
ate flominotefl fty tfyt Jeto^
Continent generally human probability,
make their first halt although the Ger-
in Germany. Once Proportion of Jews among ^D. man nation, owing
they have adopted to its open fron-
Medical men
the habits of civili- tiers, was expos-
zation in Germany, ed, in the face of
they wander further Jeswish immigra-
westward, so that School doctors !«!$$$:$ tion, to a specially
the peoples they severe test of its
then reach can, so physical powers
to speak, take over Welfare doctors 68&$ $ 5$ $ $ # of assimilation, if
already refined the immigration of
human material. hordes of Jews into
Hospital Directors
That is also the Germany had not
explanation of the been accompanied
remarkable pheno- by that of a com-
mena that Ger- pletely foreign na-
many is generally tional spirit.
exposed to a spe- Chemists^] This modern Jew-
cially critical exa- PS?1?3 ish spirit with
mination of her which Germany has
Jewish policy, and Lawyers 5tt$$r$i$ had to deal can be
that the western gathered best from
nations have so- the evidence of a
little unnderstand- . Jew himself, the
ing for Germany's writer Paul Mayer,
difficult situation 44%$$ $$ who, in January,
Head Doctors
as regards the _i i ii_ 1913, in the pe-
Jewish question. riodical "Aktion",
leachers in the
Nevertheless it 502$$$$ made the following
medical faculty
would doubtless confession of his
have been possible views on life in
Teachers in the philoso-
for the healthy phy- the form of a
phica! faculty H II jj 2511,$
sical nature of the poem.
The excessive number of Jews in the scientific and artistic professions in Berlin