Page 10 - Jewish Domination Of Weimar Germany 1919-1932
P. 10

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                                        Out of 100 Jews exercising vocations:

                                         9.5 are family members
                                        assisting in the undertaking

                                                 The attitude of the Jew towards work.

                 of Jews was generally greater, it  is the reverse in this case  But even cultural  life  is marked by the same character-
                 (namely one-fifth) and decreases almost to nothing.
                                                                  istics. Indeed in this case conditions are even more unhealthy
                   The  clearest and most plastic  idea  of  this divergent  and alarming, for in this sphere the vocational census of 1925
                 structure of Jewry in Prussia, as against that of the entire
                                                                  provides us with quite astonishing figures. According to them,
                 population, may be gathered from the following table on
                                                                  17.9 per cent of all independent doctors, 14.8 per cent of
                 page 9 which permits of recognising in a striking manner the
                                                                 independent deqtists, 6.9 per cent of all independent chemists,
                 dominant position of Jewry in the national life.
                                                                 48 per cent of  all independent  artists, 27 per cent of  all
                   In this way we arrive at the result that there has been a
                                                                 independent lawyers, 4.6 per cent of all editors, 11 per cent
                 really alarming introduction of foreigners into leading posi-
                                                                 of all theatrical stage managers and 7.5 per cent of all actors
                 tions in German economic life by Jewry. In leading positions
                                                                 are Jews — while the Jews are only one per cent of the total
                 there are three times as many Jews as native Germans,
                                                                 population.  It must be noted in this connection that this only
                 while in the category of actual workers the Jews only repre-
                                                                 refers  to professing Jews, while the hundreds and thou-
                 sent one-sixth of the total number.
                                                                 sands of baptised Jews and dissenters of Jewish race escape
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