Page 7 - Jewish Domination Of Weimar Germany 1919-1932
P. 7
The Development of Jewry
since the last pre-war census on the 1st December 1910
J Prussia, owing to itsgeographicalposition formed the for 1925. From this figure we should also have to deduct
time Germany, and
4.2 per
15,408 Jews
14 times 3 per
entrance for the stream of Jews migrating through who must have changed their religion i. or e. resigned their
Europe from East to West. Therefore, even before the membership of the church between 1911 and 1924. This
war, the Eastern Jews assembled, above all inPrussia, would reduce the total number of Jews in 1925 to 333,212.
principally in the large cities. It is true, that, up to the war, But as a matter of fact 403,969 professing Jews were
this stream of immigration of Eastern Jews could be restrained recorded in Prussia in 1925, so that this increase in the
within certain limits, but after the Great War the legislative population from 1910 to 1925 is to be attributed to nothing
apparatus in this sphere broke down, more voluntarily than else than the immigration of about 70J0O Jews. This number
involuntarily. It can be directly asserted* that the Social corresponds moreover, almost exactly, to the number of for-
Democrats.owing to reign Jews in Ger-
their personal con- many recorded on
!eim$ty immi0t0ti0n aftec tfje tone
nexion with Jewry, the 16th June 1925.
used their political In reality, how-
Every 5 Jew is an alien
influence to further ever, the number of
the immigration and Jewish immigrants
naturalisation of must be conside-
Eastern Jews in rably more than
Germany. Sufficient 70,700, for a larger
proof of this is pro- part of the Jew-
wided 6y the fact ish immigrants ob-
that the Immigra- tained Prussian na-
tion and Naturali- tionality at once as
sation Department dissidents, Catho-
in the Prussion Mi- lics or Protestants,
nistry dealing with or have remained
such questions was in Prussian terri-
in the hands of tory without report-
a Jewish official ing themselves to
(Badt) wb o was, fu r-
the police.
thermere, a Zionist. Out
Of the 404000 Jews domiciled in Prussia in 1925^ of the total
As we have al- Jewish population
ready explained, the 76000 were aliens. in Prussia, amount-
Jewish population ing to 403,969 on
in the whole of the Germany, the first stage on the route of Jewish immigration from east to west the 16th June 1925,
present area of the there were
state of Prussia increased between the last peace-time 68,114 foreigners
census of 1st December 1910 and the 16th June 1925 from 7,364 without nationality
366,876 to 403,969 or by 37,093 or 10.1 per cent. Compared
909 of unknown nationality
to this, the entire population of Prussia only increased by
Total 76,387
ca. 3,119,000 or 8.9 per cent. But even this primitive picture
We are therefore faced by the fact that during the few
provided by regular statistics is by no means exhaustive,
years of the war and immediately afterwards, a flood of
for a critical' examination throws further interesting light
immigration, consisting of about 75,000 Eastern Jews, flowed
on this subject
into Prussia and that this number corresponds almost exactly
If we take the period from 1910 to 1925, we may assume to the number of the Jews without German nationality among
that, under normal circumstances, there would have been
the Prussian Jews. Thus, more than 75,000 Jews or almost
a surplus mortality of 18,252 persons during this time. This one-fifth of the Jewish population in Prussia have preferred
should then be deducted from the total of 366,876 Jews to refrain from obtaining Prussian nationality and have thus
resident in the present territory of the state of Prussia in branded themselves as a foreign body in the state of their
1910. This would leave us with a balance of 348,624 Jews adoption.