Page 2 - Jewish Domination Of Weimar Germany 1919-1932
P. 2

Jewish Domination of The Weimar Republic - and America

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         Arthur Sulzberger, Jr, owner
           of The New York Times
                                         Ian Boesky -
                                       "The inside trader''   Michael Eisner - highest
                                                                                          Robert Maxwell - robber
                                                              paid executive in America
                                                                                             of pension funds
                                                                        Wall Street Criminals Cost Gentiles' Jobs
                            by Dr. E. R Fields

                                                                       Drexel Bumham Lambert securities firm filed
                (IMPORTANTNOTE : Duringthe period studied
                                                                    for bankruptcy with $3.6 billion in debt in 1990 but
             here, 1919 to 1932, Jews made up only 1% of the
                                                                    were able to pay huge "bonuses" to their Jewish
             population in Germany -yet they dominated business
                                                                    executives. They laid off 5,300 employees. Their
             and politics. Today in America, Jews make up only
                                                                    "junk bond" traders, Michael Milken, Dennis Levine
             3% of population yet they dominate both business
                                                                    and Ivan Boesky, (all Jews), went to prison serving
             and politics!)
                                                                    from two to three years - a mere slap on the wrist.
                                                                    The company paid $650 million
                                                                                                in  fines. Their
                The failure of the 1905 Bolshevik Revolution in
                                                                    scheme was to sell "junk bonds" which were then
            Russia resulted in tens-of-thousands of Jews fleeing to
                                                                    used by clients to buy-up Christian-owned companies.
             Germany as they were the chief architects of that
            first attempt to overthrow the Czar. They filled the    They would sell off the companies assets to pay off the
                                                                    junk bonds while paying themselves huge "salaries"
            cities as the charts herein attest. Working in collusion
                                                                    and then bankrupt the company. Safeway Foods was
            with their co-racialists the Jews quickly dominated
            the professions. With Germany in depression and the     such a victim and 17,000 hard working employees lost
                                                                    their jobs and retirees their pension while the Jews
            value of the mark wiped out the Jews were able to
                                                                    made off with multi-millions.
            buy businesses often at less than 1% of their true
                                                                       Drexel paid Michael Milken $550 million in 1987
            value. With a loaf of bread costing 100,000 marks the
            Jews obtained loans from Jewish banks and bought        which was more than McDonald's profits for that
            up industry, newspapers, vast blocks of apartment       year. Drexel engineered some 3,973 buyouts which, in
                                                                    most cases, consisted of Jews taking over Gentile
            buildings - all for pennies on the dollar.
                The same Jewish financial takeover has occurred     companies, selling off their assets, firing employees
                                                                    and pocketing the company cash.
            in this country. The late Robert Maxwell got control
                                                                       Ian Boesky paid Dennis Levine a5% commission
            of the London Daily Mirror. Maxwell, a Czech Jew,
                                                                    for "inside tips" on the sale or takeover of companies
            (real name, Jan Ludvik Hock), secretly milked the
                                                                   whose stock would suddenly rise. Boesky made $4
            papers' pension fund to buy controlling stock in
                                                                   million when given inside information that Nabisco
            Macmillan Publishers and other properties. The
            Chicago Tribune offered Maxwell the bankrupt New       was to be bought by Jewish-owned RJ. Reynolds
                                                                   Tobacco, $4.1 million from Houston Gas, as well
            York Daily News if he would assume their debt of
                                                                   millions on stock purchases of General Foods and
            $150 million. Maxwell agreed if the Tribune would
                                                                   Union Carbide. Boesky paid Levine $2.4 million and
            first pay him $60 million. He used this in a Ponzi
            type scheme to pay  off growing  debts. As  his        Martin Sicgel $700,000 in cash stuffed suitcases for
                                                                   the 'Inside information." It was Boesky who made
            "empire" began to collapse Maxwell flew to his yacht
                                                                   that infamous speech to a class at the University of
            in the Canary Islands. On the night of Nov. 5, 1991,
            a nude, 350 pound Maxwell jumped into the sea and      California in which he said: "Greedis good , greed is
            drowned. Thousands of employees in his takeover
            companies lost much of their pensions.
                                                                            (Continued inside back cover - page 32)
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