Page 9 - Jewish Domination Of Weimar Germany 1919-1932
P. 9
Jews therefore ob- Jew,
m t$t Jefc tea naturally a
viously prefer the
namely the banker
professions of mid-
Jacob Goldschmidt
dlemen and dis-
Vocations exercised in 1925 by the Jews and the who occupied 108
tributors in the
national business, Prussian population respectively, in percentages
Similar condi-
while the produc-
tions are found in
tive and directly
the domain of
creative vocations
health, in which
are neglected by
the number of Jews
them. 29.5 °/»oi the total
exercising such vo-
Agriculture populaiion
But the real cations is almost
structural function and Forestry sixfold (namely 2.8
of Jewry in Ger- per cent, as against
0.5 per cent).
man business life is
even more clearly Conditions are
exposed when we exactly the same
turn from quanti- in the economic
tative to qualitative branches known as
statistics, and ex- the "cultural com-
tend our analysis to plex" by which is
the social position 40.9 % of the total meant the the-
of those exercising Industry and atre, cinema, radio,
education, training
vocations. It is this
statistical statement and instruction, etc.
that first gives us Here the general
proportion is 0.4 per
a real idea of the
dominant position cent, as against 2.6
occupied by Jewry per cent of Jews, so
in the national and that in this case
economic life of also there are six
Germany. times as many Jews
as others.
Here we find the
Even in the econo-
following striking
mic divisions "pub-
facts. The total Trade and lic administration
number of persons
and ministration of
exercising an in- Commerce the law in official
dependent vocation
positions", the per-
in Prussia in 1925
58.8% centage of Jews ex-
was ca. 3,070,000,
Jews ercising these voc-
including 92,164
ations in prominent
Jews. This repre-
a^s^—™* positions is 2.0 as
sents a percentage
against 1.3, or near-
of 48.3 Jews, as
The distribution of the Jews in the most important groups ly twice as great
against 16.2 of all
of national economy. as that for the Ger-
those exercising
man population.
vocations. Hence in Prussia three times as many of the This preponderance of Jews is slightly less in the cate-
Jews exercise independent vocations as among the entire gory "employees". The total number of employees recorded
population. These proportions are largely influenced by the in the state of Prussia was ca. 3,240,000, including 64,469
Jews. This includes 17.1 or 33.8 per cent of the persons in
number of Jews engaged in commerce and business, and in
the hotel and restaurant trade, in whose case the percentage
question. The percentage of Jews in this case is therefore
is 31.5 as against 3.8, or eight to one.
proportionately twice as large as that in the case of the
entire population.
To this also corresponds the abnormal number of foreign-
ers in the directorates of the great German undertakings,
But a radically different picture is presented, as soon as
which, owing to the enormous influence of Jewish bank capi-
we turn to the gigantic group "workmen". Here we find
tal, have become regular Jewish domains since the war. In
evidence of a profound aversion of the Jew to manual labour.
the year 1928, fifteen Jews held 718 posts on directorates, so In the state of Prussia in 1905, among ca. 8,900,000 workmen
that each of them had 50 on an average, while these same
(or 46.9 per cent of all those exercising vocations), there
fifteen persons only held 211 such posts in 1913. The holder
were only 16,019 Jewish workmen (or 8.4 per cent of the
of the largest number of such directorial appointments was
Jews). Thus, while In independent positions the proportion