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When it comes to saving you money on utilities,
we have the power.
Who We Are
Utility Management Services, Inc. helps identify savings opportunities through utility
bill audits and analyses for businesses and organizations of all sizes and types.
To date, UMS has identified more than $160 million in savings for our clients.
“We have had What We Do
an excellent UMS analysts use our
relationship with proprietary software, Business Type Average Annual High Annual
UMS for over RateMaster, to help Car Dealership Savings Savings
eight years. They identify overcharges $3,264
have helped us and billing errors. $23,188
to save money We work directly with Church $3,384 $48,409
in numerous your power provider $18,152
to secure any refunds Convenience Store $5,007 $75,700
Farm/Mill $19,058 $22,369
ways, and the and/or credits your Water/Wastewater $3,936 $45,655
staff of UMS has organization is owed. Golf/Country Club $6,121 $162,500
always been very UMS will also analyze CATV $46,450 $403,007
courteous and your accounts to Hotel $8,018 $65,633
professional.” determine the most Manufacturer $16,415 $33,360
cost-effective rate and Hospitals/Medical $53,422 $160,018
-Wayne Burgess rider combination for Municipality $8,400
Vice President your facility’s unique
Prestage Farms Corporation usage patterns, without
Clinton, NC
making any changes to your operations. This Non-Profit/Comm. Org $2,258
can result in ongoing savings opportunities. Office/Property Mgmt. $3,986
Our experienced team will continually Restaurant $2,419 $12,169
monitor your accounts going forward to School System $50,299 $250,488
ensure that your facility is always on the
most cost-effective plan.
Utility Management Services, Inc.
6317 Oleander Drive, Suite C Wilmington, NC 28403
Toll Free 888.867.3230 Fax 910.793.2946