Page 26 - Raynes Park Vale v Steyning Town
P. 26

CLUB NEWS                                                                  ing with different players and person-  condition the squad and ensure we
                                                                                          alities  getting the best  out  of them.  are set up in the best way we can be.

      In The Dug-Out                                                                      I’ve always been driven to work with  Lastly, I want to thank all the people
                                                                                                                                who have made the Vale where it is
                                                                                          people and build relationships.
                                                                                                                                today. Time, effort and a whole load
                                                                                          ITV: Thanks... what's going on  of love has been put in and to get to a
      Ever wonder who those people are                                                    around RPV at the moment from your  place where we are welcoming 160+
      in the dug-out and what they do at                                                  perspective?                          fans in just shows the work that has
      Raynes Park Vale apart from stand-                                                                                        been done and the work that will be
      ing around looking a bit worried?                                                   AP: Coming into this important FA  continued moving forward.
      No? Well you should because they are                                                Vase game on the back of a couple of
      the people keeping the finely-tuned                                                 disappointing results with a great op- UP THE VALE!
      RPV footballing machine ticking                                                     portunity to get back to winning ways                        Anthony
      over. Tactics, fitness, strategy, spe-                                              today against another good side.
      cialist training these don't magically                                              As a management team, we have had
      happen and behind Josh Gallagher                                                    friendships for over 10 years, so we
      is a team of dedicated experts work-                                                know each other very well which al-
      ing to keep the Vale squad motoring.                                                ways helps in good situations but also
      Here  at  'Into  The  Vale'  we  decided                                            tougher situations which has helped
      to ask these mystery men those old                                                  in the last week or so.
      questions: what do you do here? And
      why??                                                                               The squad has been a credit to the
                                                                                          club, on the pitch and off the pitch
      The first member of this group to                                                   and I think people can easily forget
      recklessly stick his head over the par-  ITV: What's your footballing mission       just how young this group is and we
      apet was assistant manager Antho-     in life?                                      are continuing to improve and gel as
      ny Panayi so we decided to catch up                                                 a group which will only lead to more
      with him...                           AP: Throughout my career I would              exciting times ahead.
                                            like to have been seen as a leader in
                                            my own right and my passion for               It’s been a great transition into sen-  ************************************
      Into The Vale: What's your football-  football and especially winning.  It          ior football in a management role for  RPV visitors will have a new section
      ing history before arriving at RPV?   ended with me getting in to doing             me personally. I have always enjoyed  to browse over their half-time pints!
                                            Leatherhead u18’s followed by Dork-           managing people/players and see-      'World In Motion' will be bringing
      Anthony Panayi: I have played my  ing  u18’s  with  Josh’s  twin  brother           ing improvements made. It’s a great  football and general sports insights
      senior career at Epsom and Ewell,  Jake.                                            test for me and the rest of the man- from around the world. USA and It-
      where I was the youngest captain in                                                 agement  and  one that will be given  aly are the first to appear followed by
      the clubs history, playing over 160  ITV: What keeps you at it?                     100%. It’s filled me with pride to see  others (as we find them...Ed). Don't
      games. From there I had short spells                                                the work that the gaffer and the rest  miss Luke Ferrari's inaugural article
      at Chipstead and Shoreham.            AP: I’ve  enjoyed developing and work-        of the management team are doing to  from the US in this week's edition!
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