Page 12 - Raynes Park Vale v Horley Town
P. 12

Club News                                                                                ENJOY A DRINK

                                                      BLOSSOM & BREW                        IN THE BAR OR IN

                                                    Serving an array of refresh-
                                                    ments, including coffee, hot                  THE GROUND
                                                    chocolate, tea, snacks and
                                                    Blossom & Brew, with Sam
                                                    at the helm, is now open for
                                                    Find Blossom & Brew outside
                                                    the Raynes Park Vale club-
                                                    house, Wed-Sun, 8am-3pm.

       We are looking for matchday
       reporters to compile articles for
       home games at Raynes Park Vale,
       that can keep supporters in-
       formed on all the exciting action
       on the pitch.
         Would you like to be part of a
       small team covering matches?            THE GATES OF VALE
       So no need to commit to every    Further improvements to the Raynes Park
       game.                            Vale ground see the installation of bespoke
       If you think you have what it    gates outside the turnstile area. The ground
       takes and would like to contribu-  is now completely enclosed as specified by
       teto Into The Vale, get in touch.   league rules.
                        Most people involved with the club will
                                        testify that the fencing and refurbishment
                                        of the turnstile area has made a massive
                                        difference to the ground, both aesthetical-
                                        ly and in regards to security. Well done!
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