Page 18 - Raynes Park Vale v Horley Town
P. 18
Raynes Park Community Raynes Park Events
Heavy Metal Kids
'In those days, the mid 70s, about the only
thing I remember listening to is the Heavy
Metal Kids'… Keith Richards
The Cavern, 100 Coombe Lane,
Raynes Park SW20 0AY
Date and time
Sat, 08/01/2022 - 19:00
Raynes Park Vale aren't just a fantastic football club to watch Price
and to follow - they are part of the community and here at Free (get there early)
'Into The Vale' we want to celebrate that with views, news and
reviews of the things that make Raynes Park such a great place
to live.
Traditional Burns Supper
So, if you have a business, an event, a charity or a community
project that you think should be known more widely in the About this event
community and you want to reach hundreds of new people Traditional Burns Supper and
through your local football club then let us know. Got a school Entertainment including 3 course
fair? fund raising event? charity collection drive? Write to us at meal and a "tot" for the toasts. and start getting your message out there!
Entertainment with songs and poems
afterwards and a raffle. BYO drinks &
St Saviour's Church Hall, Grand
Drive, Raynes Park
Date and time
Sat, 22/01/2022 - 19:00-22:00
Wendy Cannon - Tel: 02083970805
£10 These events may be subject to cancellation at short notice.