Page 2 - v. KENSINGTON & EALING BOROUGH 11.01.20
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Chessington & hook AccountAnt:
united football Club Martin Ellis
chAirMAn of Youth footbAll:
founded 1921 trevor ford
ground address: dirEctor of Youth footbAll:
Chalky lane, Chessington, kt9 2nf Glen nichols
MeMbers of: GEnErAl SEcrEtArY:
the football association lauren Preston
Cherry red records football league
surrey County f.a. 1st tEAM MAnAGEMEnt:
Manager: Glen nichols
offiCers of the Club: head coach: James deacons
President: ray hall coach: darren Smith
Patron: John Cole Goalkeeping coach: Mark daniels
Chairman: graham ellis Physio: darren russell
Vice Chairman: laurence head
Chief executive: andrew ellis u21 tEAM MAnAGEMEnt:
Manager: Andrew Ellis
life Presidents: Manager: Glen nichols
alan lowe Physio: darren russell
roger foster
u18 tEAM MAnAGEMEnt:
Manager: James deacon
life ViCe Presidents:
John Cole sheila ellis Asst Manager: Martyn Gange
Mark donovan ray Hall Physio: darren russell
tracy donovan Colin goff rEGiStrAtion SEcrEtArY:
barry Woodley Carole lowe rebecca Woodward
steve kent Darren ellis
brian ellis David Hartigan club WElfArE officErS:
Paul ellis Sarah rising-Ellis
exeCutiVe CoMMittee: MAtch dAY SEcrEtAriES:
graham ellis Debbie Waterfall Senior: lauren Preston
Martin ellis ray Hall Youth - SPl: Andrew Ellis
rebecca Woodward lauren Preston Youth - E&EYl: Andrew Ellis
andrew ellis Youth - SSYfl: Andrew Ellis
sarah rising-ellis
deborah herbert PrESS & ProGrAMME: Karl lang
Club Manager: PrESEntAtion MAnAGEr:
Martin ellis debbie Waterfall
direCtor of grounds: Kit MAnAGEr:
andy & debbie Waterfall Martin Ellis
treasurer: fundrAiSinG MAnAGEr:
rebecca Woodward debbie Waterfall