Page 24 - RPVFC v Sheerwater
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      The London County Council started to
      build Sheerwater Estate in 1948, for
      families that wanted to move out of
      London and start a new life in Surrey.                                              83. However in 1984-85 we finished  many discussions the Surrey Premier
      Around  1,380  houses  were  built  at  a                                           only above the bottom side Heath End  league became the first division of the
      cost of approximately £3 million.  This                                             Wanderers and another relegation fol-  Combined Counties league for the sea-
      prompted a community spirit from                                                    lowed. Unfortunately the vacancy at the  son 2003-04.
      the early days, and football being the                                              lower level was a position in the Surrey        With no budget
      number one  sport, came into  effect                                                Intermediate (Eastern) Division. Fortu-  We are still in the Combined Coun-
      when groups of men started having a                                                 nately after one season in the Eastern  ties today, striving to maintain league
      kick around at the Sheerwater Recrea-  el, and we were promoted to the Surrey       Division we were allowed to transfer  standards  with  no  budget,  few  com-
      tion Ground, using their coats for goal   Senior League for the 1972-73 season      to the Surrey Combination Premier Di-  mittee members and local helpers
      posts.                                and a highest finish of 6th in the 1974-      vision  for  the  1986-87  season,  but  we  that maintain a good standard for the
              Intermediate status           75 season. In 1978 following the loss of      were relegated at the end of the sea-  League.
        Sheerwater  Football  Club  was  found-  clubs to the  London  Spartan League,    son. After twice finishing third, we were       Club promoted
      ed in 1958 by early members of the    Hampshire clubs were admitted to the          Champions of Division One in 1989-90   Sheerwater moved out of the Athletics
      club, the late John French (also player),   Surrey Senior League with the title of   and  promoted to  the  Premier  Division  Stadium in 2018 to allow for the rede-
      Stan West, Ken May, Bill Hilleard, Her-  the competition eventually becoming        for 1990-91, finishing in a mid-table po-  velopment of the area to progress. As
      bert  Taylor (also player), Syd Morris,   the Combined Counties League.             sition. However in June 1991 The Surrey  part of that process, Sheerwater moved
      Derrick  Thomas, Jim McDermott and              Finished bottom                     Combination and Surrey South Eastern  into  The Laithwaite Community Stadi-
      players Dennis Hill, John Murray, Micky   In 1981-82 the League had reached 22      Intermediate Leagues merged, but we  um with neighbours  Woking FC until
      Wedge, Chris Robinson, Jose Garcia,   members, and as a consequence was             were able to move sideways to the Sur-  2021 which saw the club promoted to
      Tony Minchinton, Don Stevens, Michael   split into East and West divisions. In a    rey Intermediate (Western) League. This  the Combined Counties Premier Divi-
      French, Jim Kelly, to name a few. Sheer-  dreadful season with only one win and     was only for one season as we achieved  sion for the first time in their history.
      water joined the local Woking & District   one draw the club finished bottom of     promotion back to the Surrey Premier           Eastwood Centre
      League.  We then progressed through   the East division, 16 points behind Clar-     League. Our stay was, however, for only  At the end of the 2020/21 season,
      the Divisions and obtained Intermedi-  ion and both  Sheerwater and Clarion         one season as we finished above bot-  Sheerwater were on the move once
      ate status in  the Surrey Intermediate   were relegated to the newly formed         tom club Ashtead, only on goal differ-  again, hopefully for the final time as
      (Western) League in the 1967-68 sea-  Surrey Premier league.                        ence, and were relegated once more.  they moved down the road to the East-
      son.                                      Champions of Division One                 Yet again this was only for one season.  wood Centre, which is the £25m Leisure
                   Promoted                 In our first season in this new league we     In 1994-95 we were back in the Surrey  Centre built for purpose.
       The club then progressed to senior lev-  had a highest position of 5th in 1982-    Premier League and finished 9th. After

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