Page 28 - RPVFC v Sheerwater
P. 28

                                 The Untold Game                                          man socialism almost a decade before.   Leverkusen as well, a couple of years
      Union Berlin                                                                        And to them, Calmund was deter-       later. Hansa Rostock would win the

                                                                                          mined to add Andreas Thom.
                                                                                                                                final East German title before reunifi-
                                                                                          Thom was the best player, and leading
                                                                                                                                by violence.
                                                                                          goalscorer, of BFC Dynamo. Who had    cation in 1991, after a season marred
      Union Berlin’s recent                                                               so dominated East German football in     Hansa were duly placed in the
      achievements should not                                                             the 1980s that they had won ten titles   Bundesliga when the two countries’
      be underestimated. After                                                            in a row. At only 24 when the borders   footballing setups were merged, and
      making it to the Bundesli-                                                          opened, he was in his prime and had   established themselves. They were the
      ga, the community club have                                                         a young family to support, something   only ones to do so. FC Berlin, former-
      consolidated their position                                                         that was growing increasingly difficult   ly BFC Dynamo, suffered financial
      and, this season, made an                                                           even for the most beloved and famous   collapse and were eventually expelled
      unexpected title bid before falling   two decades ago, are not representa-          in the DDR. His children were bribed   from the Bundesliga (the top two divi-
      away from Bayern and Dortmund. It     tive of the former DDR.                       with the bag of toys Calmund brought   sions) altogether, settling in the third
      is increasingly likely, however, that     When the wall came down, West             with him from the west, and Thom      tier. The former Lok Leipzig played
      they will be in the Champions League   German football fans flocked east, on        was suitably impressed by the num-    a single disastrous season in the top
      next season. It is a far cry from their   a footballing pilgrimage to stadia that   bers he talked about. Calmund went    flight before sinking through five
      near demise, begging supporters to    had previously been off limits. What          on to make a bid of 3.6 million Ger-  divisions and never returning. FSV
      come and build their stadium for      they found was a footballing infra-           man marks to BFC Dynamo, a record     Zwickau, FC Magdeburg, and Sachsen
      them. And it is a long awaited return   structure that mirrored the collapsing      at the time. Cash starved and facing   Leipzig, all powerhouses before reuni-
      to competitiveness for East German    society. Dilapidated, wooden firetraps        extinction, the East German club      fication, went out of business. Zwickau
      football, which was swept away with   and crumbling stands. DDR clubs and           gratefully accepted, and Thom took    and Magdeburg have since reformed.
      communism when the Berlin Wall fell.  fans had, unsurprisingly, found more          his family west to their new home.      In many ways, East German football
      The collapse of the wall changed the   important uses for their time and in-        Thom was the first, but there was     continues to mirror the former DDR.
      lives of millions in Germany, and     vestment than football through such a         no shortage of exceptional talent in   Despite efforts over the last three dec-
      billions around the world, signalling   difficult time. And while West German       the east that saw the riches on offer.   ades to bring society up to the level of
      the beginning of the end of the Cold   fans lamented and commiserated the           Thomas Doll, Ulf Kirsten and Matthi-  for former West, it lags behind in most
      War. It was a year earlier, however,   decline, West German owners saw an           as Sammer followed in the summer      metrics. And East German football,
      that East Germany had opened its      opportunity.                                  of 1990. BFC Dynamo, newly mon-       similarly, has never fully recovered. At
      borders to its Western brothers. It was     Reiner Calmund, the ambitious           ied but for the first time without the   least in Union Berlin, there is finally
      a victory for democracy, and started   sporting director for Bayer Leverkus-        support of repressive security services   something to celebrate.
      the process of reunification that had   en, was the first to make a move. He        (Dynamo, in a German context, usual-
      been desired by so many for so long.   headed east with a bag of cash and a         ly means they were linked to the police   Martyn Green, The Untold Game
      But it also allowed the heart of East   bag of toys, with one specific target in    and the Stasi), replaced Thom with    Find more at
      German football to be ripped out, and   mind. Bayer already had a history with      Heiko Schulz, who left Lok Leipzig    or on social media, @TheUntoldGame
      realistically, Union aside, it has never   former DDR players, having signed        for the East German champions for a
      recovered. RB Leipzig, the Red Bull   Falko Gotz and Dirk Schegel, who had          record fee within the former DDR, 1
      commercial project, formed less than   fled the bitter reprisals of East Ger-       million marks. Calmund took him to

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