Page 3 - RPVFC v Northwood 14.10.23
P. 3


                                  CHAIRMAN’S              previously played in the North
                                                          division of the CCL and were
                                  WELCOME                 top for long periods of the south
                                                          central just falling at the end of
                                                          the season to get promoted.
                                                          Hopeful it’s a good game and we
        Raynes Park Vale F.C                              take the 3 points.
                                  Well, firstly I would like to   On Tuesday night we played
         Grand Drive | Raynes Park  welcome all the Vale fans to   Corinthian Casuals and came
        Greater London | SW20 9DZ  today’s game v Northwood   away 2.1 winners and a solid
           STAFF DIRECTORY        FC and it looks like another   performance I was lucky to pop
                                  mild Octobers day.
                                                          into the boardroom and discuss
               Chairman:                                  what goes on behind the scenes
                                  The last home game v Bagshot
              John Dalton                                 with an old school chairman,
                                  Lea our old foes didn’t turn out as
               Secretary:                                 who has been there and worn
              Paul Armour         expected with a 4.1 defeat but 2   the t-shirt.  We also spoke about
                                  ending’s o  in quick succession
           Head of Operations:    didn’t help the cause as Brad   their recent dramas with a large
              Helen Dalton                                tree hitting their Clubhouse, all
                                  Sweeney and Louie D got their
            General Manager:      marching orders so our perfect   the repercussions that followed
              Marc Skinner                                and what they have had to be
                                  start to this campaign came to
               Manager:                                   overcome.  At the time I offered
                                  an end although this was bound
             Josh Gallagher                               them our ground temporarily but
                                  to happen one day.
            Club Photographer                             unfortunately RPV was not up to
               Karl Lang          Next up was an away trip to   the grading at the time for their
                                  Marlow Town who narrowly   premier football.
             Print & Design:
          Matchday Programmes     knocked us out of the FA Trophy   “It seems there is no stopping
                                  with a 1.0 win much against the
                                                          Terry and his Management
          ZERO TOLERANCE TO       run of play and the furthest away   team”, a quote from our last
                                  ground we must travel to.  The
                                                          program, and it looks the case
           DISCRIMINATION         club has been around a while and   again as they have left the Vale
                                  in the board room I picked a few
                                                          to start a new challenge as  irst
         Raynes Park Vale Football Club is   of the old boys’ brains and I have   team managers at Colliers Wood
        committed to identify, confront and   to say we were very well looked
        eliminate discrimination, whether by              FC.  A hard job for anyone and we
                                  after, so a thank you to them.
         reason of race, colour, nationality,             wish them the best of luck.  We
          religion or belief, sex, sexual   Again, much like the first game   will have to pick up the pieces
         orientation, marital or civil partner   I could only see one winner   and move on
       status, age, ethnic and national origin,   especially once Jordan banged   Please enjoy your Visit to
        pregnancy or maternity, disability or
                                  in a definite penalty, straight
            gender reassignment.                          Raynes Park Vale and may
                                  down the middle.  A few subs
         The club intends to ensure that                  the best team win.
                                  were made by us, and Marlow
        everyone who wishes to engage with
                                  put a few passes together for the
        the club, whether as matchday fans,
        staff, players, board members, and   first time in game and scored in   Up the Vale!
        any other person engaged with the   the 89th and 92nd minutes much
        club’s activities, has a real and equal   to the disbelief to most people
            opportunity to do so.  watching but that’s football, I
           Registration number: 13560754                  John Dalton
             Raynes Park Vale FC Ltd   Northwood FC are a new team
          Suite 4, Rowan Court, 56 High Street   to me and it’s the 1st time I can   Chairman
           Wimbledon, London SW19 5EE
                                  remember playing them as they
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