Page 4 - RPVFC v Northwood 14.10.23
P. 4

      RAYNES PARK VALE  23|24                                                                                                                            UP THE VALE

        From the
       DUGOUT                                           My football career is over due to   been more accommodating
                                                                                           of me - and for that I am truly
                                                        injury and the mens Sunday side
                                                                                           grateful. When we are together
                                                        that I had once captained i now
                                                                                           either at training on a Tuesday or
                                                                                           Thursday or in the dressing room
                                                        I decided I wanted to go into
                                                                                           with the music on about to walk
                                                        management and have been
                                                                                           on the pitch, we are a family, we
                                                        doing so for around a year and a
                                                                                           know we have each others backs
                                                        to progress and develop my
       CARL MCALLISTER                                  half. With the desire of wanting   look around at each-other and
                                                                                           no matter what.
                                                        management further and be
                                                        part of the team at RPV, I began   As time goes on, the bond
       I hope everyone’s having   immediately hooked following   observing some of gaffers   gets stronger, the success
       a great week and is ready   my first experience of non league   training sessions and made   gets greater and the group will
       to cheer the boys on to   football.              sure I got myself to as many       achieve more and more together.
       another 3 points at Grand                        games as I could, to be around
       Drive this Saturday !    The experience of the approach   the atmosphere and learn as   The start to the season has
                                to the ground, the bar, the                                been fantastic, we recovered on
                                                        much as I could - after some
       The weathers a bit uncertain, but   turnstiles and the football was                 Tuesday night after two defeats
                                                        time, gaffer then provided me the
       the food will be hot, the lagers   something I hadn’t experienced                   with a 2-1 win against Casuals.
                                                        fantastic opportunity to become
       cool and the football even better !   before - which is a lot coming                A competent, professional
                                                        part of the management team
                                from a Millwall fan !                                      performance calling on our
       I’m sure most of you reading                     here at RPV.
                                                                                           strong squad and collectiveness
       this will know me or we will know   I stood by the dugouts that day
                                                        The message from the gaffer        has got us back on track and top
       each other even if in passing   and proceeded to attend every
                                                        to everyone within his team is     of the league.
       from round the ground or on our   game I possibly could both
                                                        simple, no one will out work us,
       travels, but I’m Carl and I’m part   home and away for the next year                The commitment and quality
                                                        no one will be better prepared
       of the management team here   and half, building relationships                      the players are delivering is a
                                                        than us and we will leave nothing
       at RPV.                  with the management team, the                              huge testament to the gaffer, the
                                                        on the pitch at the end of every
                                players and the staff at RPV as                            players and the club - and with
       My journey with Vale started the                 90 minutes - we will commit to
                                well as forming good friendships                           only a few games gone we are
       season before last, I was working                each other and drive each other
                                with other fans.                                           only just getting started !
       for Jewson (RPV sponsor) at the                  to be the best we can possibly be
       time and my boss Kenny invited   Football is a massive part of my   together and as individuals.   Here’s to another
       me down to an FA Vase game   family, we are involved in football                    great season !
                                                        We train with the same intensity
       against Stansfeld as his guest   in some way five days a week !
                                                        we play, we demand a lot from
       as it was the furthest RPV had
                                My partner Chloe and my   each other but support and
       progressed in this particular
                                youngest son Fraser come to   develop each other through the
       trophy at the time.
                                every RPV game, it’s brought us   bad times and the good - always
       For years I had played Sunday   closer as a family. Fraser’s favourite  making sure we are learning
       league football on the pitches   player is Jermaine Green for   and taking advantage of our   Carl
       out the front of the stadium   his pure work rate and intensity,   experiences.
       and always been aware of RPV   although I’m sure Jordy G is trying
                                                        The players, Gaffer and his        McAllister
       but never been inside until this   to sway him to admire his flair and
                                                        management team couldn’t have
       game. RPV lost that day, but I was   goals and change his mind !
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