P. 39

Round-Up of the

        Latest Division

        One Action

           Matches played 21st December


      The deluge continues with only one game
      going ahead at the weekend

      The only Division One game to be
      played this weekend was Dorking
      Wanderers Res versus FC Depor-
      tivo Galicia. The goals rained in as
      Dorking beat Deportivo 6-2 at their
      Meadowbank ground.
      The season has been a washout for many
      of the teams in the division, but especial-
      ly so for Chessington & Hook United,
      who now have seven games in hand on        Music for rainy Days
      some of the other teams. Psychological-  1.  rain - the beatles
      ly, this must have an impact on the team,   2.  only Happy when it rains - Garbage
      with the league table showing United   3.  Purple rain - Prince
      third from bottom when realistically   4.  singin’ in the rain - Gene Kelly
      they could be in the top half. Hopefully,   5.  i Can’t stand the rain - tina turner
      the New Year will bring a period of dry   6.  it’s raining again - supertramp
      weather.                              7.  the rain song - Led Zeppelin
                                            8.  through the rain - Maria Carey
                                            9.  rainy Days  and Mondays - Carpen-
                                            10.  i wish it would rain - temptations
                                            11.  Have you ever seen the rain - Cre-
                                                dence Clearwater revival
                                            12.  why Does it always rain - travis
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