P. 40

Very little if any early history of the  London Commercial League. This
      BA football team can be found ex- League had ten divisions in its hey-
      cept an entry in the minutes of the  day with at least 10 teams in each di-
      initial minutes of the then Speed- vision and all the teams had to have
      bird Club where the BA Football  their own sports grounds! All this
      team was one of 6 other sporting  has now gone with companies selling
      activities that formed together as  off the land the private developers or
      part of the Sporting and Social Club  deciding that they couldn’t afford to
      for BOAC. So it seems that the ear- run sporting activities any longer, no
      liest date we can verify is April 1947  wonder we are all getting fatter!
      for the BOAC team no such evidence  The Football teams at British Airways



      can rom office workers to pilots, engi- have had a very long, successful and
      neers and from baggage handling to  proud history in Middlesex  Junior
      IT programmers.                       football winning many league and
      The teams played at the weekends  County honors along the way. The BA
      and mid-week in local leagues such  Sat 1st team are probably one of the
      as the Hanwell and District mid-week  most successful teams in Middlesex
      League (folded many years ago) fol- Junior football they won the London
      lowed by the Airport League which  Commercial League Div. 1 title and
      has now also folded. The Sat teams  Senior League Cup on many, many
      played in the West                    occasions the team have also been
      Middlesex League (that has now also  successful in the Middlesex County
      folded) the teams then moved to the  Intermediate Cup winning this cup 8
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