Page 17 - Raynes Park Vale vs Fleet Town
P. 17

Today's Visitors  2017 -18, Fleets 16th consecutive   2 chairmen and a number of players.

      season at Step 4 Steve Dormer and     With much long distance travel, a
 Season 08/09 had the club on the   ber 2011 to be replaced by Craig   Andy Hunt managed to keep us at   very young team and no money the
 move yet again with promotions/  Davis as player/manager. Despite   Step 4 through a difficult season.   team battled all season but unfortu-
 relegations elsewhere meaning that   some improved displays, the Blues   With both managers resigning at the  nately finished bottom, this resulted
 Fleet returned to the Ryman League,  faced relegation after ending the   end of the season, the club moving   in relegation to the Wessex Premier
 South Division. Andy Sinton’s side   season in 21st spot. However, due   to the Southern League South Divi-  League. For 2019-20 there is a new
 again broke more records as the   to circumstances elsewhere in the   sion and all players leaving 2018-19   board in place to support Dave Kelly
 team won four cups, including the   Football pyramid Fleet Town gained   is already looking like a challenge.   and his management team as they
 prestigious Hampshire Senior Cup   an FA reprieve and retained their   Koo Dumbuya and Sam Waters have  try to develop young players and
 when over 1,200 witnessed victory   place as a Southern League club, to   taken the helm and are aiming to   re-establish Fleet as a strong team
 over VTFC at St Marys Stadium,   play a 2nd season in the Division   keep us at Step 4 for another season.  in North Hampshire. Many im-
 Southampton, to send the cup to   One Central for season 2012/13.  New board in place  provements and changes have been
 Fleet for the first time. In addition   Steve Cantle became Chairman  2018-19 will go down as a season   carried out to the Calthorpe Park
 the team also won the Russell Cotes   In July 2012 Steve Cantle became   to forget for Fleet, after just manag-  ground which will also hopefully
 Cup, Aldershot Senior & North   Chairman and with Davis bringing   ing to stay up the year before they   help the club moving forward.
 Hants cups. The FA Cup run again   in a new back-room staff, and a host   managed to go through 4 managers,
 went to the 3rd Qualifying Round   of new players, the club enjoyed an
 before losing 5-2 in a bruising en-  improved Southern League season,   RECENT RESULTS - COMBINED COUNTIES LEAGUE
 counter at AFC Totton.  finishing with 4 teams behind them,
 Andy Sinton resigning  in 18th spot. Following the end of   12/03  Fleet Town  2–3  Redhill
 May 2010 brought major changes   the season Fleet Town were again   05/03  Cobham  1–2  Fleet Town
 at the club with Chairman Graham   moved, this time within the South-
 Smith stepping down and this was   ern League to the Div One South &   26/02  Banstead Ath  1–2  Fleet Town
 shortly followed by manager Andy   West.
 Sinton resigning to join AFC Telford   League status retained  12/02  Fleet Town  0–2  Balham
 United. For the new season Steve   After several difficult seasons the   29/02  Beckenham Town  3–1  Fleet Town
 Mellor stepped into the Manager’s   2015/16 season saw Fleet moved
 shoes.  A largely new Blues side fin-  back to the Division One Central,   22/02  Redhill  3–2  Fleet Town
 ished a credible 13th.  and they enjoyed 2 successful sea-  15/01  Fleet Town  0–4  Farnham Town
 Results were poor  sons with league status retained and
  Season 2011-12 again saw Fleet   the winning of the Aldershot Senior   03/01  Fleet Town  3–2  Guildford City
 Town move as they were switched   Cup and the North Hants Senior   27/12  Badshot Lea  2–3  Fleet Town
 back to the Southern League after a   Cup in 2017. The Club however
 three year absence, this time placed   suffered the devastating loss of   18/12  Frimley Green  2–1  Fleet Town
 in the Div One Central. However   Chairman Steve Cantle who died
 results were poor and after a run of   just before Christmas and manager   14/12  Fleet Town  3–0  Molesey
 defeats and exiting the major cup   Davis moved on in March.  11/12  Fleet Town  0–3  Jersey Bulls
 competitions Mellor left in Novem-
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