Page 15 - Raynes Park Vale vs Fleet Town
P. 15

Today's Visitors


 Fleet Town FC was formed
 in 1890, making it the oldest
 sports club in the town. The   winning promotion under Player/  semi-final they lost 2-1 to Tooting
 centenary was celebrated in   manager, Steve Beeks.  & Mitcham, with the London side
 1990 with a special Scroll pre-  Played at AFC Bournemouth  scoring twice in added-on time. The
 sented by the Football Associ-  Playing in the Ryman League the   team also reached the final of the
 ation to the club, together with   2005/06 season began with a new   Hampshire County Cup, losing 2-1
 a commemorative plaque from   management team of ex-England   to Aldershot, the game played at
 the Hampshire FA.  International Andy Sinton assisted   AFC Bournemouth.
 Clem Attlee played for the club  by Steve Mellor. In their second   Havant & Waterlooville
 In its early years Fleet FC played   Town Council, with the proviso that   season together this new team saw   For season 2007-08 the Club were
 at the bottom of the Views where   it would continue to be for the use   their side top the table at Christ-  moved by the FA to the BGB South-
 Campbells Close is today. Later   of the Town’s football club.  mas before they finally finished in   ern League, South & West Division,
 they moved to Watsons Meadow in   Floodlights were installed  5th place. In a pulsating play-off   and again had a record breaking
 Fleet Road, roughly opposite where   In 1953 floodlights were installed   semi-final they lost 2-1 to Tooting   season. Right up until the last few
 Travis & Perkins now stands, at the   for the first time. The club entered   & Mitcham, with the London side   games they were in with a chance of
 station end of Fleet Road. It was   the Hampshire League in 1961.   scoring twice in added-on time. The   automatic promotion but eventu-
 during this time that a young, future   From then on Fleet Town FC grad-  team also reached the final of the   ally had to accept 2nd spot behind
 Prime Minister, Clement Attlee   ually moved through the Divisions,   Hampshire County Cup, losing 2-1   Farnborough. This however was
 played for the club, his aunt living   eventually moving into the Wessex   to Aldershot, the game played at   their highest ever non-league finish
 in a house that backed onto this   League for the 1989/90 season.  AFC Bournemouth.  and again played in front of record
 original ground.  Winning promotion  Ex-England International  crowds. It was heartbreak in the
 Moved to its new home  After six years of steady progress,   Playing in the Ryman League the   play-offs though as the team again
 In 1923 Lord Calthorpe of Elvetham   the club gained promotion to the   2005/06 season began with a new   lost in the semi-final, this time to an
 Hall made available the site of the   Southern League as Wessex League   management team of ex-England   injury time penalty that gave Ux-
 present ground in Crookham Road,   Champions. In 1999/00, its fifth   International Andy Sinton assisted   bridge a 2-1 victory. Fleet also went
 and the club moved to its new   season in the Dr Martens Southern   by Steve Mellor. In their second   their furthest in the FA Cup before
 home playing their first match on   League the club finished bottom   season together this new team saw   losing 2-1 at Havant & Waterlooville
 3rd March 1923. The ground was   and returned to the Wessex League.   their side top the table at Christ-  in the 3rd Qualifying Round.
 subsequently bequeathed to the   Within a few seasons the club   mas before they finally finished in
 District Council and later the Fleet   returned to the Southern League,   5th place. In a pulsating play-off   Continued...
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