Page 3 - Raynes Park Vale vs Guildford City 2020
P. 3
ChaiRman's notes
Having tripped up against Broadbridge Heath FC in the
Hardly have we got the season started than we are be-
FA Cup Raynes Park Vale showed the spirit of the team
ing potentially plunged back into the uncertainty of
and the club to notch up two consecutive wins against
further coronavirus restrictions that threaten to take
quality opposition that bolstered confidence amongst
us back to the kind of inept crisis management that
players and supporters alike. However, a home loss against local rivals Sut-
closed down our sport back in the Spring.
ton Common Rovers during the week provided a reality check of how tough
Here at Raynes Park Vale, we’re up for whatever the season brings our
the competi
way. We’ve got off to a healthy start with a couple of upsets offset by some
convincing wins and buoyed up by a real sense of optimism at the club
and the last thing we, or any club, want to see is another interruption of
the season. However, of course, our first concern is for the safety and
well-being of players, supporters and staff and we are committed to ob-
serving all government and health guidelines, however irrational they
might appear. These restrictions include a 10 pm closing time at the club-
house bar and I would ask all visitors and players to observe this deadline.
At Raynes Park Vale, we will be working hard to keep the football expe-
rience as ‘normal’ as we can while prioritising health & safety concerns.
This is a difficult time for ALL football clubs and we have great uncertain-
ty ahead but, by working together, I am certain we can keep our sport on
In the meantime, we are very happy to welcome Guildford City to The
Vale. We have shared some excellent matches in the past and I look for-
ward to meet-ing some of you this evening.
In the meantime may I wish you and your friends and
families well at this difficult time and we look for-
ward to a great game this evening.
John Dalton
John Dalton
Raynes Park Vale F.C.
Raynes Park Vale F.C.