Page 4 - Raynes Park Vale vs Guildford City 2020
P. 4

Today's VisiTors
              T oda  y ' s  Visi T ors

      The first club in the town was ama-   1973–74 a new board
      teur side Guildford, formed in 1877  of directors took over
      and known as the "Pinks". They  with Bill Bellerby elect-
      played home matches at the Wood-      ed President (recently
      bridge Road Sports Ground.            elected as Patron of the new club) and club
        At the end of 1920 Guildford United was  stalwart Darby Watts as player manager.
      formed. In May 1921 they were accepted   Finacial difficulties resulted in a merger-
      into the Southern League.             with Dorking. The final game at Joseph's
        In 1927 Guildford became a diocese and  Road  was  played  on  12  February  1974
      the Guildford Cathedral was built. It was  when the City beat Folkestone 2–0 in
      believed that Guildford would become a  front of 625 fans.
      city so the club changed its name and the    In 2005 the club changed its name to
      "City" was born. Although they had little  Guildford United, but quickly acquired
      early success in the League, the FA Cup  the name of Guildford City. The once fa-
      bought a taste of glory in 1928–29 when-  mous name had returned to senior foot-
      they beat Queens Park Rangers 4–2 in  ball after an absence of over 30 years.
      front of a crowd of nearly 8,000.        Kevin Rayner took charge in 2009. After
       At the start of the 1936–37 season the  escaping relegation and undergoing a sea-
      club made the massive decision to turn  son of improvement, in 2011/12 the club's
      full-time professional, appointing Haydn  had  its  furthest progress  in the  FA  Cup
      Green as manager. That season they fin-  and Vase to date, but better was to come
      ished 4th. In 1937–38 City beat Reading  when the side clinched the Combined
      in the FA Cup but in the league they won  Counties Premier Division trophy.
      22 of their 34 games to finish as Champi-      Guildford  City  were  switched to  the
      ons for the first time. The following year,  Southern League Division One South &
      with City  finishing runners-up to Col-  West for the 2013–14 season, with Dean
      chester United by one point, scoring 126  Thomas taking the helm. Thomas re-
      goals in the process.                 signed in November 2013 following a run
        Archie Macaulay was brought in as play-  of 10 defeats in a row. Kevin Rayner im-
      er-manager in 1953 and he started build-  mediately returned to the club but City
      ing a side that would win the title in 1955–  from finished bottom of the league
      56. However, he left before the end of the    Former Merrow manager and Guildford
      season leaving Bill Thompson to take over  City youth Chris Balchin took over as City
      and lead the side to the championship.   In  manager in May 2017 .
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