Page 18 - Raynes Park Vale vs Farnham Town
P. 18
Raynes Park Community Fan Focus
Age and Job? 50. The SRA tells me
each year I’m officially a solicitor, but
I have generally just been getting away
with it for the last 25 + years
Hometown? Raynes Park (but born and Favourite beer at the bar? Usually the
bred in Kingston) first one of day.
Raynes Park Vale aren't just a fantastic football club to watch Why Raynes Park Vale? Favourite RPV Player? Archie H-G. I
and to follow - they are part of the community and here at Long story. But the association is know his dad from way back when at
'Into The Vale' we want to celebrate that with views, news and because of two Ds my Dad and Dom Beverley.
reviews of the things that make Raynes Park such a great place Tait. My Dad moved to Raynes Park
to live. in 1953, I went to Raynes Park Junior Best RPV moment? Listening to
School and lived on Taunton Avenue the coaches' (home and away thanks
So, if you have a business, an event, a charity or a community just along from Southern Railway’s Sutton Common FC) encouraging and
project that you think should be known more widely in the playing fields at Raynes Park Rec. Wind educational expletives whilst standing
community and you want to reach hundreds of new people forward nearly 50 years to 2002 and I between the home and away dug outs
through your local football club then let us know. Got a school am living in Raynes Park with my wife back in the day with my 10 year old
fair? fund raising event? charity collection drive? Write to us at and meet Dom and Sharon at ante natal son. and start getting your message out there! classes(!). The rest is history.
What would you be doing if you
First team you supported? Arsenal weren't at RPV today? Watching
Corinthian Casuals. No lie as there's a
Favourite player from anywhere bunch of my old school friends down
Ancient - Liam Brady. More recent - for the Chelsea League Cup final
Dennis Bergkamp. Current - Bukayo tomorrow at Wembley and they're all in
Saka. Tolworth today.
Best thing about RPVFC? I used to What would be your dream
love the ham rolls but that was a while superpower? Remembering the lyrics of
ago. Now it's just the whole experience all my favourite Jam singles at the right
and the sofas in the club house. time and in the right place.