Page 27 - Raynes Park Vale v Frimley Green
P. 27


         at in the main stand at Grand Drive last Saturday, enjoying some excel-
      Slent cod and chips from Vintage Fish (if you missed them, you better
      pray they're here today - you're not going to get
      the like at any other ground in the country!)
      We were just wondering when Vale were
      going to finish VCD Athletic off and take
 Do you have any photos or memories to      another step to glory. When the second
 share of the  Southern Railways,  Raynes   RPV goal went in Doris got so worked
 Park, Malden  Vale or Raynes Park  Vale   up she briefly lost her pickled onion
 teams?  Please contact us via the Raynes   Malden Vale v Leatherhead    under the bench and watched it roll
 Park Vale Twitter page  away down the steps. With the five-sec-
 Click on the covers opposite to view the   ond rule broken there was no option
      but to retrieve it and pop it in a paper
 old programmes
      serviette to feed to the hamster when we
      got home.

                                                                  Sid & Doris Bonkers

 Malden Vale v Croyden
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