Page 29 - Raynes Park Vale v Frimley Green
P. 29
MATCH REPORT down a long ball forward, beating the be too tough to handle as he forced
defender, only to slot the ball inches a well-earned shot inches wide from
BANSTEAD ATHLETIC 0 wide. Halftime 1-0. goal. Soon RPV found more space
Cleverly played in Cal Davies
out wide in the form of Jordan Gal-
RAYNES PARK VALE 3 The second half started much like the lagher, who cut in and slid through
first with the Vale having the majority right-back Eoin Fraser who notched
of the chances. Josh Ano mesmerised his first goal of the season to make it
CCL • Tuesday 28th of August 2021 • Merland Rise,Tadworth the opposition left back before squar- 3-0.
Banstead were out to take all three points ing the ball to the edge of the box to It's very early days
Louis Downey who cleverly played in Overall it was a tidy affair from Vale,
Josh Gallagher’s career at RPV is off to Cal Davies one on one. Unselfishly, with a particular highlight coming
a flyer. It’s been three league matches Cal Davies chipped the ball across to from a post match analysis from The
and three wins. The best part about Jordan Gallagher who registered his Non-League Show’s presenter Mick
these results is not the mind-blow- 5th goal in 3 league games. 2-0. Sullivan attracting a comment that
ing 12 goals we’ve scored across the The fresh legs paid off Raynes Park Vale could compete for
fixtures, but rather the 3 clean sheets Substitutions were made at this the top this season. It's very early
we’ve recorded on the bounce, mak- point, with Josh Gallagher bringing days but, based on this performance,
ing us one of only two clubs to not on Casmir Umeh, Louis Cockle, Cal- that might not be completely wild
have conceded in the league (the oth- lum Hope & Jamie Beveridge. The speculation.
er being Beckenham Town who have fresh legs paid off. Casmir proving to
played one less fixture).
No match for the Vale
Following Saturday’s FA Cup defeat
to a strong opposition in the form
of higher league VCD Athletic, it
was time for the Vale to bounce-
back. And so they did. Playing away
to a side that had lost their two pri- Getting off to a scoring start in 21/22 - Eoin Fraser
or league matches and as recently as contain his strong movement & the
November 2020 had recorded a win midfielder’s supporting runs. These
over RPV, Banstead were out to take attacks soon paid dividends with a
all three points. Alas the yellow army corner being won, only for RPV stal-
were no match for the Vale as they wart Danny Alderton to head the ball
quickly found themselves on the back against an opposition player which
foot in the first half with Josh Ano deflected into the net. 1-0. The rest
& Jordan Gallagher running ram- of the half created several opportu-
pant at their fullbacks. Cal Davies, nities, including one chance created
as ever, proved to be great for hold by Jordan Gallagher (having scored
up play, forcing defenders central to 4 in his last 2 appearances), bringing