Page 41 - TBB26
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Large Firebird
Hair Barrettes & Gift Boxes
Here’s our birch bark hair man- agement system and gift boxes. All are carved bark with solid wood dowel. The motifs are classically Siberian.
Silhouette 1 1⁄2” x 2 1⁄4”
Scrolling 2 1⁄2” x 2 3⁄4”
Large Firebird 3” x 3”
Birch Bark Containers,
Setof3 ThesestunningBirch
Bark containers were all hand-
made following ancient tradi-
tions in Siberia. Basically, thin
sheets of prepared bark are laced
up in two layers using strips of
the same bark. No nails, and hardly any glue
is used. The bottom and the lids are
made of solid pine. These containers
breathe, and contain no dyes, or any
chemicals of any sort. They optimally
protect the aroma of grains, cereals,
tea, coffee, sugar and spices. They’ll
darken with age, but the elasticity and stability will last as long as
you’ll have them. Easily cleaned with a damp cloth, and in serious
cases, may be cleaned with detergent and hot water. No dishwasher!
1 50 Threesizes:7”x5”Ø,43⁄4”x41⁄4”Ø,23⁄4”x3 /8” KT096 $149.
   KH006 $29.
KH001 $24.
 KH002 $24.
      Birch Bark Bread Boxes We have these gorgeous bread-boxes in two sizes. Given the breathability and the inherent oils in the bark, bread will not dry out or get moldy as rapidly as in plastic or metal boxes. It is recommended that you put a layer of paper under the bread in these
boxes. Easily cleaned with a damp cloth, and in serious cases, may be cleaned with detergent and hot water. No dishwasher, please.
KT011 12 1⁄2” x 5 1⁄2” x 8 1⁄4” KT012 11” x 5” x 6 3⁄4”
$154. $139.
50 50
To Order Call: 1-888-463-9177 39

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