Page 43 - TBB26
P. 43
Fresh Rotating Egg Holder
This well thought out egg holder in the shape of a slide allows you to store many fresh eggs safely and in order of date. The f resh- est eggs are placed at the top of the carousel. Great for hard- boiled eggs or display of your colored Easter eggs.
7 1/8” x 7 1/8” x 9”
ESCH010 $35.
Enamel Funnel
Beautiful, enameled steel fun- nel, for kitchen and other uses. Has a finger loop to securely holding during use. 5 1⁄4” Ø
R868513 $26.
Tailor Pinstripe Apron
Made of 100% cotton with extra long waist ties. 36” long
Nail Brush with Soap Dish
The stiff bristles are shorter in the middle rows and therefore harder for the nails. The wood has ridges on the top, so the brush can also be used as a soap dish. Oiled beechwood with stiff bristles. 4” long
KF44066 $49.
R691010 $23.
Poultry Shears The best there is, spring- loaded and all stainless steel, rust free. Note the slight curve to the sort of narrow blades, so you can get into smaller birds too. 10” long
Grape Scissors Very beautiful 18kt gilded, old- world grape scissors from a more genteel culinary time. A wonderful and useful device to avoid damaging your nails. 6” x 2”
FSSK092350 $87.
WA4103 $97.
Kitchen All Around Shears
Absolutely the best kitchen shears we’ve ever encountered! Heavy and durable. In addition to cutting, popping off bottle caps, opening stub- born jar lids, and tightening loose screws. Easily taken apart for thorough
cleaning or sharpening. 8 1⁄2” x 3”
WA4200RFR $78.
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