Page 26 - Topic 3
P. 26

CONCEPT CHECK – STUCTURE OF THE                          The frequencies of the absorption
        ATOM                                                     lines are a subset of those in the line
                                                                 emission spectrum of the same
        DO YOU KNOW?                                             element.
                                                                 When an atom absorbs a photon, it is
         Concept                          While   Before         elevated to an ‘excited state’, which
                                          studying   the         has a higher energy. Excited states
                                                  test           are generally short-lived and the

         A continuous spectrum contains a                        atom returns spontaneously to its
         continuous range of frequencies.                        ground state, often by emitting a
                                                                 series of lower-energy photons
         Solid, liquid, or dense gaseous
         objects radiate a continuous                            ‘Fluorescence’ is the process where
         spectrum, which may extend into or                      an atom absorbs a photon to reach
         beyond the visible region.                              an excited state, but then reverts to
                                                                 the ground state emitting two or
         The process is known as                                 more photons with lower energy and
         incandescence. The frequency                            longer wavelength.
         distribution, and hence the dominant
         colour, depends on the temperature                      Lasers use the process of stimulated
         of the object.                                          emission to produce electromagnetic
                                                                 radiation. In many lasers stimulated
         Atoms can be raised to excited                          emission occurs from atoms that are
         states by heating or by                                 in a higher-energy state.
         bombardment with light or particles                     When a photon with energy
         such as electrons.                                      corresponding to a transition from a

         The heated vapour of a pure element                     higher-energy state to a lower-
         emits light of discrete frequencies,                    energy state is incident on an atom in
         resulting in a line emission spectrum                   the higher state, it can stimulate a
         when the light is viewed with a                         transition to the lower state. This
         spectrometer.                                           results in two identical photons; the
                                                                 original photon and a second photon
         The presence of discrete frequencies                    that results from the transition.
         in the spectra of atoms is evidence
         for the existence of different states in                Compare the process of stimulated
         atoms. The states have their own                        emission with that of ordinary (or
         specific energies.                                      spontaneous) emission.

         The different energies can be                           The photon emitted in stimulated
         represented on an energy-level                          emission is identical (in energy,
         diagram.                                                direction, and phase) to the incident
         When an electron makes a transition
         from a higher-energy state to a                         A population inversion is produced in
         lower-energy state in an atom, the                      a set of atoms whenever there are
         energy of the atom decreases and                        more atoms in a higher-energy state
         can be released as a photon.                            than in a lower-energy state. For
                                                                 practical systems, the higher-energy
         The energy of the emitted photon is                     state must be metastable if a
         given by the difference in the                          population inversion is to be
         electron energy levels of the atom.                     produced.
         An atom is in its ground state when
         its electrons have their lowest                         The energy carried by a laser beam is
         energy.                                                 concentrated in a small area and can
                                                                 travel efficiently over large distances,
         If an electron is in any of the higher-                 giving laser radiation a far greater
         energy states, the atom is said to be                   potential to cause injury than light
         in an excited state.                                    from other sources.

         The line emission spectrum of atomic
         hydrogen consists of several series of
         lines.                                                 CAN YOU?

         The ionisation energy of hydrogen is
         the minimum energy required to                          Application                     While    Before
                                                                                                          the test
         remove the electron from hydrogen
         in its ground state                                       •   Describe the changes in the
                                                                       spectrum of a filament globe
         When light with a continuous                                  as the temperature of the
         spectrum is incident on a gas of an                           filament increases.
         element, discrete frequencies of light                    •   Describe the general
         are absorbed, resulting in a line                             characteristics of the line
         absorption spectrum.                                          emission spectra of elements
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