Page 7 - Cornice_Grade 4_Neat
P. 7
What Bugs Me
It bugs me when my brother tickles me.
It bugs me when he sits on me for no reason.
It bugs me when he tells me to wash my face and says I look
It bugs me when he orders me to get some water, while he is
watching T.V
It bugs me when he calls me to hang my clothes as soon as I
It bugs me when he tells me to read books, when I am just
about to play.
It bugs me when he takes my toys and does not return.
It bugs me when he scares me out of nowhere, it’s not fun.
It bugs me when he tells me to polish my shoes until it’s
very shiny.
It bugs me when he shuts the door and turns off the lights.
and when I think oh, there’s no way he can bug me any-
In the end he still finds a way.
He bugs me every single day.
But sometimes he can really be a good brother.
- Saharsh Shrestha
- Saanvi Pradhan