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characters. Her husband, Michael Grant, helped her
write many of her 150 books. Her famous series Ani-
morphs, a science fiction series, has been turned into
a Nickelodeon television show. Besides these, she has
also written many realistic fiction novels especially
about girls in high school. She began her writing ca-
reer by producing The Midas Touch (1988), under the
name Katherine Kendall. From there she changed her
career into the world of children’s literature.
Some books written by her are Jack Rabbit
Katherene Applegate and the Beanstalk (1997), The Buffalo Storm (2007),
Sometimes You Fly (2018), Ivan: A Gorilla's True Sto-
ry (2020) etc. Katherine Applegate also wrote many
Katherine Applegate was born on series like: Animorphs series, Everworld series, Rem-
October 9, 1956, in Ann Arbor, Michigan, nants series, Making Out, Ivan & Friends series, Dog-
United States. She grew up in Grand Rap- go and Pupper series and many more.
ids, a large city in Michigan. She went to the She won the 2013 Newbery Medal for her chil-
University of Texas in Austin and graduated dren's novel The One and Only Ivan. She won the Best
from college in 1979. New Children's Book Series Award in 1997 and Gold-
Katherine Applegate used to work en Kite Award for best fiction for Home of the Brave.
several years in restaurants and flower deliv- My favorite book by the author is The One and
ery trades. She was not happy doing the job Only Ivan because it has interesting characters and
and so she thought that she and her husband themes of friendship, love, responsibility, and most
should become authors. After some years, importantly, animal rights. Although this book has
she finally planned to write something. emotional and sad parts like Stella’s death, it also has
One day, Katherine was reading fun and hilarious moments such as the ‘glass incident.’
the newspaper and she saw the headline “A It made me laugh my heart out. I like this book be-
Gorilla Sulks in a Mall as His Future Is De- cause the character Ivan, who has been living in the
bated.” When she saw the article, she knew Big Top Mall, inspired me to never give up.
that she wanted to tell Ivan's story. The other
characters in the book, like Stella, Ruby and Source:,, Britan-
Bob, came from her imagination. nica kids
Katherine Applegate is an American young
adult and children's writer. She wrote lots - Ayesha Zaffar
of science fiction, fantasy, and adventure
novels. She wrote many children’s novels
for Disney Press which contained Disney