Page 14 - Cornice_Grade 4_Neat
P. 14



                                                    In Writers’ Workshop sessions, Grade IV students learned the skills
                                                    of writing personal narratives, essays, biographies, paragraph writ-
                                                    ings, news reports, travel journals, short stories and descriptive writ-
                                                    ings.  These skills help them develop their imagination and express
                                                    themselves. Get a glimpse of their creative write ups.

        Journey to                                  that my friends were roaming around Saturn. When I went to

        Saturn                                      look for my friends, I could not see the rocket. I quickly called
                                                    my friends and we were all panicking. My boss then called and
                                                    said the rocket went missing and that it got sucked up by a black
                                                    hole. My friends and I started to panic even more. But my boss
               One day I got an unexpected call     called again saying that another rocket was coming to get us. I
        to go to space. I was so excited. If you    felt so relieved after I heard that. While waiting for the rocket to
        don't know who I am, I am an astronaut      come, me and my friends went to walk on the amazing rings of
        who has been training for about 7 years     Saturn. The rocket finally came, and I said my goodbyes to my
        now. Astronauts must go through a lot of    alien friends. After a long while, we safely landed on earth, and I
        training. The mission of this trip was to   gave all the information to the scientists. The scientists were very
        find aliens. The next day I got informed    surprised and also happy that I found aliens. And the next time
        that I was going to Saturn and my com-      I go to space I will keep a close eye on the rocket.
        panions were Samara, Sajiva, Sanvi, and
        Aaliya. They are all my friends. Saturn is   - Aditi Rawal
        the planet with 7 rings.
               After  about a  month  we were
        launched into space. It took so much time
        to get there, but when we saw Saturn, it
        was all worth it because it was beautiful.
        We got out of the rocket and started to
        explore. After what felt like hours, I final-
        ly found aliens. Then I got the idea to in-
        terview the alien. The alien said its name
        was Sakura. It was 177 years old and it
        was born on October 23rd, 1845. That’s
        all the information I got. While I did all
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