Page 15 - Cornice_Grade 4_Neat
P. 15
The Four Friends
Long ago, there lived a girl named Nicki. She lived with her dad who
was an army officer. Nicki had to migrate from place to place and from time
to time. She wasn’t really happy about it as she had to keep on changing her
Luckily her father stayed in New York for a while. She got admitted
to one of the schools there. There she met this group of friends named The 3
Charms. Their names were Natasha, Lucky and Ava. They were kind, bubbly
and funny. Monday was her first day of school. Nicki had no one to sit with
for lunch, so The 3 Charms went to her table and sat with her and played
with her in recess. They introduced themselves to Nicki. Nicki thought they
were very playful and fun. She couldn’t wait to tell how much fun she had on
her first day to her dad.
The next day she met The 3 Charms again. In their science class they
had a presentation to work on. They got to choose their own group of 4 and
of course The 3 Charms chose Nicki in their group. They had to do research
on global warming. They divided the work among themselves. The next
day their group presentation happened to be the best one. After their pres-
entation The 3 charms decided to make their group name The 4 friends. As
they grew up, they helped each other in their problems and became friends
throughout their life.
- Avaani Shrestha