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Steve Jobs
Steven Paul Jobs, also known as Steve Next computer Inc. He then returned to Ap-
Jobs, was an American entrepreneur, indus- ple in 1996 and became CEO in 1997. Apple
trial designer, business magnate, media pro- became a leading brand and one of the most
prietor and investor. He was born on Febru- valuable companies in the World. Steve Jobs
ary 24th, 1955 in San Francisco, California, was a genius. He launched some revolution-
United States. He got married to Laurene ary products, such as the iPod and iPhone.
Powell Jobs in 1991 and had four kids. He In 2003 Jobs was diagnosed with a rare form
studied in Homestead High School and went of pancreatic cancer, and he underwent a
to Reed College, called De Anza College. Ste- major surgery. In 2009 Jobs received a liver
ve Jobs was adopted and raised by a couple in transplant. In August 2011 he resigned as
Cupertino, California. CEO of Apple, and two months later at the
Though he was interested in engi- age of 56 on October 5th, 2011 he died in
neering, he had other passions. He dropped Paul Alto, Calf.
out of Reed College and went to work for It’s so sad that the world lost a leg-
Atari, designing video games. In 1976 he endary computer genius! Rest In Peace Steve
co-founded Apple Computer with Stephan Jobs. (February 24, 1955 - October 5, 2011)
Wozniak. Jobs created the first Apple Com-
puter when he was only 21. - Meghan Gautam
In 1980, Jobs became the chairman
of Apple but he left Apple in 1985 to form