Page 2 - Cornice_Grade 2
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from the principal
Dear Readers,
Welcome to the digital edition of Cornice magazine. is annual publication
serves as a platform for us to share our students’ unique voices, thoughts, and
perspectives through their captivating writing and artwork. e magazine is
completely bilingual in the true RBS tradition and each student from Grade II
is represented in this magazine.
Since 2021, we have gone digital with Cornice and each grade has its own
class magazine with di erent design and content ideas. is opened up new
opportunities for creativity among students. us Grade II brings to you Opus.
Congratulations to all the budding writers whose work is featured in Opus.
Your contributions have made this magazine a true re ection of the artistic
and literary excellence that our school prides itself on.
I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to the teachers of Grade II, Ms
Shilpa Rimal, Ms Susanna Tamang, Ms Kiran Khadka, Ms Usha apa, Apsara
KC and to the Unit Coordinator Ms Jenny Manandhar who have guided and
nurtured our students' literary talents. ank you to Mr Chandra Dangol who
helped with the design and layout. eir unwavering support and commitment
have played a pivotal role in shaping the creative minds that have contributed
to this magazine.
Congratulations to the Opus team for a job done well. It gives me immense
pleasure to celebrate this literary milestone with all of you!
Enjoy reading and do give us feedback for future editions.
Happy reading!.
ank you,
Milan Dixit